All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary
Class |
Description |
Abs |
ACos |
AdditionSlice |
History slice which represents the addition of multiple consecutive columns, which all depend on the same set of
input columns.
AllFacetsAggregator |
Internal aggregator to compute the state of all facets in one pass over the grid.
AllFacetsState |
State of aggregation of all facets, used to compute the states of all facets in a single aggregation over the grid.
AllRowsRecordFilter |
And |
AnnotateOneRowOperation |
An operation which updates the flag or star field of a single row in the project.
AnyRowRecordFilter |
ApplyOperationsCommand |
ApplyOperationsCommand.JsonResponse |
ArgsToArray |
ArrayExpr |
ASin |
ATan |
ATan2 |
BaseSorter<T> |
Instantiates a sorting configuration on a particular grid, to allow comparison of rows or records
BeiderMorseKeyer |
BinaryFormatGuesser |
Binder |
BinningClusterer |
BinningClusterer.BinningClustererConfig |
BinningClusterer.BinningParameters |
BinningClusterer.EntriesComparator |
BinningClusterer.SizeComparator |
BlankDownOperation |
Transforms a table without a record structure to blanking out values which are identical to those on the previous
row, creating a record structure.
BooleanCriterion |
CalendarParser |
A parser for arbitrary date/time strings.
CalendarParserException |
CalendarScrutinizer |
CancelImportingJobCommand |
CancelProcessCommand |
Cancels a single long-running process.
CancelProcessesCommand |
Ceil |
Cell |
A cell in the project grid.
CellAtRow |
CellChangeDataSerializer |
CellEditOperation |
Operation which edits a single cell in a given row and column.
CellListChangeDataSerializer |
CellTuple |
CellValueSplitter |
Provides different ways to split a cell value into multiple strings.
ChangeContext |
Stores information that changes can rely on when modifying the project grid.
ChangeContextImpl |
ChangeData<T> |
Some external data, obtained by communicating with an external service or performing an expensive computation whose
result should be persisted in the project data.
ChangeDataFetchingException |
Exception thrown by operations while computing their associated change data, when they want the problem to halt all
computations and report a message to the user.
ChangeDataId |
A pair of a history entry id and a string identifier for the change data in it.
ChangeDataSerializer<T> |
Defines how each item of a ChangeData object is serialized as a string.
ChangeDataStore |
Stores and retrieves ChangeData objects keyed by a pair: - the id of the change it belongs to - a string id
for which part of the change it represents (such that changes can potentially register multiple change data)
ChangeResult |
Bundles up various pieces of information after the application of an operation.
Chomp |
ClientSideResourceManager |
ClientSideResourceManager.ClientSideResourceBundle |
ClientSideResourceManager.QualifiedPath |
CloseableIterable<T> |
CloseableIterable.Wrapper<T> |
CloseableIterator<T> |
An iterator which may be derived from resources that should be closed once the iterator is no longer needed.
CloseableIterator.Wrapper<T> |
A wrapper which takes a plain iterator and turns it into a closeable one.
ClusteredEntry |
Clusterer |
Abstract interface for a clusterer.
ClustererConfig |
Represents the configuration data for a clusterer.
ClustererConfigFactory |
Registry where clusterers are registered, to make this extensible.
Coalesce |
ColognePhoneticKeyer |
ColumnAdditionByFetchingURLsOperation |
Adds a column by fetching URLs generated by an expression, based on a column.
ColumnAdditionByFetchingURLsOperation.HttpHeader |
ColumnAdditionByFetchingURLsOperation.URLFetchingChangeProducer |
ColumnAdditionOperation |
Adds a new column by evaluating an expression, based on a given column.
ColumnAdditionOperation.Joiner |
ColumnMetadata |
Holds the metadata for a single column.
ColumnModel |
The list of columns in a project.
ColumnMoveOperation |
ColumnRemovalOperation |
ColumnRenameOperation |
ColumnReorderOperation |
ColumnSplitOperation |
ColumnSplitOperation.Mode |
ColumnStats |
A summary of the datatypes and recon statuses of cells within a column.
Combin |
Combiner<T> |
Represents a commutative and associative function to combine aggregation states.
Command |
The super class of all calls that the client side can invoke, most of which are AJAX calls.
Command.HistoryEntryResponse |
CommonDescriptionScrutinizer |
CompletedFuture<T> |
An implementation of ProgressingFuture which is already supplied with its final value.
ComputeClustersCommand |
ComputeFacetsCommand |
Configurations |
Centralized configuration facility.
ConflictsWithScrutinizer |
ConnectCommand |
ConnectionManager |
Manages a connection to the current Wikibase instance.
Constraint |
Constraint class is defined to parse the common parameters of property constraints
Most of the scrutinizer will have inner class defining the structure of that constraint will extend this Constraint
ConstraintFetcher |
This class provides an abstraction over the way constraint definitions are stored in a Wikibase instance.
Contains |
Control |
Interface of GREL controls such as if, forEach, forNonBlank, with.
ControlCallExpr |
An abstract syntax tree node encapsulating a control call, such as "if".
ControlDescription |
Generated localization support class.
ControlEvalError |
Generated localization support class.
ControlFunctionRegistry |
CookiesUtilities |
Cos |
Cosh |
CreateImportingJobCommand |
CreateProjectCommand |
Criterion |
CroppedPartitioner<T> |
A partitionner for a PLL which was amputed from some partitions.
CroppedPLL<T> |
A PLL obtained by removing some rows at the beginning or the end of a PLL.
CroppedPLL.CroppedPartition |
Cross |
CSRFTokenFactory |
Generates CSRF tokens and checks their validity.
CsvExporter |
CustomizableTabularExporterUtilities |
CustomizableTabularExporterUtilities.CellFormatter |
CustomizableTabularExporterUtilities.ColumnOptions |
DagSlice |
A slice in the directed acyclic graph of column dependencies, corresponding to the application of a single operation.
DaitchMokotoffKeyer |
DatabaseColumn |
DatabaseColumnType |
DatabaseCommand |
DatabaseConfiguration |
DatabaseImportController |
DatabaseInfo |
DatabaseModuleImpl |
DatabaseQueryInfo |
DatabaseRow |
DatabaseService |
DatabaseService.DBType |
DatabaseServiceException |
DatabaseTable |
DatabaseUtils |
DataExtensionReconConfig |
DateCriterion |
DatePart |
DBQueryResultImportReader |
DBQueryResultPreviewReader |
DeAuthorizeCommand |
Decode |
DecoratedValue |
Store a value and its text label, in case the value is not a string itself.
DefaultImportingController |
DefaultImportingController.JobResponse |
Degrees |
DeleteProjectCommand |
DescriptionScrutinizer |
DetectLanguage |
DetectLanguageUtils |
Diff |
DifferenceWithinRangeScrutinizer |
DistanceFactory |
Registry of distances for kNN clustering.
DistinctValuesScrutinizer |
A scrutinizer that checks for properties using the same value on different entities.
DoubleMetaphoneKeyer |
DropPartitionsPLL<T> |
A PLL obtained by dropping some partitions from the parent PLL.
DropPartitionsPLL.PartitionLink |
DualExpressionsNumberComparisonRowFilter |
Judge if a row matches by evaluating two given expressions on the row, based on two different columns and checking
the results.
DuplicateColumnException |
EditBatchProcessor |
Schedules and performs a list of updates to entities via the API.
EditBatchProcessor.EditResult |
EditInspector |
Runs a collection of edit scrutinizers on an edit batch.
EditScrutinizer |
Inspects an edit batch and emits warnings.
Encode |
EncodingGuesser |
This class tries to find the correct encoding based on the and the icu4j library
EndsWith |
Engine |
Faceted browsing engine.
Engine.Mode |
EngineConfig |
Stores the configuration of facets and whether we are using row or record mode.
EngineDependentOperation |
EnglishDescriptionScrutinizer |
EntityCache |
EntityEdit |
A class to plan an update of an entity, after evaluating the schema but before fetching the current content of the
entity (this is why it does not extend EntityUpdate ).
EntityTypeScrutinizer |
Escape |
EvalError |
An error that occurs during the evaluation of an Evaluable.
EvalErrorMessage |
Generated localization support class.
Evaluable |
Interface for evaluable expressions in any arbitrary language.
Even |
ExcelImporter |
ExecuteQueryCommand |
Exp |
Exporter |
ExporterRegistry |
ExportProjectCommand |
ExportRowsCommand |
ExpressionBasedOperation |
Base class for an operation which evaluates an expression on rows or records, and then uses it to derive the new
ExpressionBasedOperation.NegativeRowMapper |
ExpressionBasedOperation.PositiveRowMapper |
Row mapper which calls a change data producer (to evaluate the expression) and directly calls the corresponding
change data joiner (to insert the results in the row).
ExpressionBasedRowEvaluable |
ExpressionContext |
A class holding all the necessary information about the context in which a schema expression is evaluated.
ExpressionEqualRowFilter |
Judge if a row matches by evaluating a given expression on the row, based on a particular column, and checking the
ExpressionNumberComparisonRowFilter |
Judge if a row matches by evaluating a given expression on the row, based on a particular column, and checking the
ExpressionStringComparisonRowFilter |
Judge if a row matches by evaluating a given expression on the row, based on a particular column, and checking the
ExpressionTimeComparisonRowFilter |
Judge if a row matches by evaluating a given expression on the row, based on a particular column, and checking the
ExpressionUtils |
ExpressionValueFacetAggregator<T extends FacetState> |
Base class for facet aggregators which update their state by evaluating an expression and aggregating its result.
ExtendDataOperation |
ExtendDataOperation.DataExtensionJoiner |
ExtendDataOperation.DataExtensionProducer |
ExtendDataOperation.DataExtensionSerializer |
Facet |
Interface of facets.
FacetAggregator<T extends FacetState> |
Small serializable object which embeds everything that is required to compute facet statistics.
FacetConfig |
Represents the configuration of a facet, as stored in the engine configuration and in the JSON serialization of
FacetConfigResolver |
FacetCount |
FacetCountCacheManager |
Holds a cache of facet counts, to be used by the facetCount GREL function.
FacetCountCacheManager.FacetCount |
FacetCountException |
Exception thrown while accessing the facet counts from an expression.
FacetResult |
Object sent serialized in JSON to represent the overall state of a facet, including the configuration and the
aggregation statistics.
FacetState |
Immutable object which stores statistics gathered by a facet.
Fact |
FactN |
FailingFuture<T> |
FieldAccessorExpr |
An abstract syntax tree node encapsulating a field accessor, e.g., "cell.value" is accessing the field named "value"
on the variable called "cell".
FileChangeDataStore |
FileChangeDataStore.ChangeDataStoringProcess<T> |
FileGridCache |
FileNameScrutinizer |
FileProjectManager |
FillDownOperation |
Transforms a table with a record structure to by spreading non-null values in the rows below, in a specific column.
Filter |
Find |
Fingerprint |
FingerprintKeyer |
Fingerprint keyer where fingerprint is sorted list of unique words after case and diacritic folding and removing all
FixedWidthImporter |
Floor |
ForEach |
ForEachIndex |
FormatGuesser |
FormatRegistry |
FormatScrutinizer |
A scrutinizer that detects incorrect formats in text values (mostly identifiers).
ForNonBlank |
ForRange |
Fragment |
FullMediaInfoUpdate |
An extension of WDTK's MediaInfoUpdate which also lets us change the file name of a file and/or replace its
FullyPropertySerializingNoValueSnak |
FullyPropertySerializingSomeValueSnak |
FullyPropertySerializingValueSnak |
A tweaked version of SnakImpl that serializes the full property (not just its PID), so that we can also get
the label for that property and display it in the UI without having to query the remote server.
Function |
Interface for functions.
FunctionCallExpr |
An abstract syntax tree node encapsulating a function call.
FunctionDescription |
Generated localization support class.
GDataImporter |
GDataImportingController |
Get |
GetAllPreferencesCommand |
GetAllProjectMetadataCommand |
GetAllProjectMetadataCommand.AllProjectMetadata |
GetAllProjectTagsCommand |
GetAllProjectTagsCommand.AllProjectsTags |
GetClusteringFunctionsAndDistancesCommand |
GetColumnsInfoCommand |
GetCSRFTokenCommand |
Generates a fresh CSRF token.
GetExpressionHistoryCommand |
GetExpressionHistoryCommand.ExpressionsList |
GetExpressionHistoryCommand.ExpressionState |
GetExpressionLanguageInfoCommand |
GetExpressionLanguageInfoCommand.LanguageInfo |
GetHistoryCommand |
GetImportingConfigurationCommand |
GetImportingConfigurationCommand.ConfigurationResponse |
GetImportingJobStatusCommand |
GetImportingJobStatusCommand.JobStatusResponse |
GetLanguagesCommand |
GetLanguagesCommand.LanguageRecord |
GetModelsCommand |
GetModelsCommand.ModelsResponse |
GetOperationsCommand |
GetOperationsCommand.HistoryEntries |
GetOperationsCommand.SimpleHistoryEntry |
GetPreferenceCommand |
GetPreferenceCommand.PreferenceValue |
GetProcessesCommand |
GetProjectIDException |
Thrown when a unique project ID cannot be found based on a project name.
GetProjectMetadataCommand |
GetRowsCommand |
Retrieves rows from a project (or importing job).
GetRowsCommand.JsonResult |
GetRowsCommand.WrappedRow |
GetScatterplotCommand |
GetStarredExpressionsCommand |
GetStarredExpressionsCommand.Expression |
GetStarredExpressionsCommand.ExpressionList |
GetVersionCommand |
GoogleAPIExtension |
GreatestCommonDenominator |
GrelEvaluable |
GrelExpr |
A GREL expression, which can be evaluated in a given context.
Grid |
Immutable object which represents the state of the project grid at a given point in a workflow.
Grid.ApproxCount |
Utility class to represent the outcome of a partial count: the number of records/rows processed, and how many of
these fulfilled the condition.
Grid.Metadata |
Utility class to help with deserialization of the metadata without other attributes (such as number of rows)
Grid.PartialAggregation<T extends Serializable> |
Utility class to represent the result of a partial aggregation
GridCache |
An interface for accessing some intermediate grids in a project, which are stored on disk.
GridPreservation |
Metadata encoding the properties of an Operation , to characterize how it transforms
the grid.
GridSerializationBenchmark |
GridSerializationBenchmark_collectGrid_jmhTest |
GridSerializationBenchmark_ExecutionPlan_jmhType |
GridSerializationBenchmark_ExecutionPlan_jmhType_B1 |
GridSerializationBenchmark_ExecutionPlan_jmhType_B2 |
GridSerializationBenchmark_ExecutionPlan_jmhType_B3 |
GridSerializationBenchmark_jmhType |
GridSerializationBenchmark_jmhType_B1 |
GridSerializationBenchmark_jmhType_B2 |
GridSerializationBenchmark_jmhType_B3 |
GridSerializationBenchmark.ExecutionPlan |
GuessTypesOfColumnCommand |
GuessTypesOfColumnCommand.IndividualQuery |
GuessTypesOfColumnCommand.TypeGroup |
GuessTypesOfColumnCommand.TypesResponse |
HasField |
HasFields |
Interface for objects that have named fields, which can be retrieved using the dot notation or the bracket notation,
e.g., cells.Country, cells["Type of Disaster"].
HasFieldsList |
Interface for objects each of which is a list of HasFields objects of the same kind (e.g., list of cells).
HasFieldsListImpl |
HistogramState |
Stores a histogram of numerical values, used in range facets.
History |
Track done and undone changes.
History.Step |
A step in the history, which is a Grid with associated metadata.
HistoryEntry |
A record of applying an operation on the project at a point in time.
HistoryEntryManager |
A utility class to load and save project histories.
HistoryEntryManager.Metadata |
Utility class to help with Jackson deserialization
HtmlTableExporter |
HttpClient |
HttpHeadersSupport |
HttpHeadersSupport.HttpHeaderInfo |
HttpResponder |
HttpUtilities |
If |
ImportColumn |
A column is used to describe a branch-terminating element in a tree structure
ImportColumnGroup |
A column group describes a branch in tree structured data
ImporterTest |
ImporterUtilities |
ImportException |
Exception thrown by importers.
ImportingController |
ImportingControllerCommand |
ImportingFileRecord |
Represents a file to import in an importing job.
ImportingFormat |
ImportingJob |
ImportingJob.ImportingJobConfig |
ImportingJob.RetrievalRecord |
ImportingManager |
ImportingManager.ImportingConfiguration |
ImportingParser |
Interface for classes responsible for implementing support for an input format in OpenRefine.
ImportingParserBase |
Importer which handles the import of multiple files as a single one.
ImportingUtilities |
ImportingUtilities.Progress |
ImportParameters |
ImportProjectCommand |
ImportRecord |
A record describes a data element in a tree-structure
ImpossibleSchedulingException |
InArray |
Inc |
IncompatibleSliceException |
Exception indicating that a DAG slice cannot be applied to a given state (given by the list of column metadata at
that stage).
IndentingLayout |
This is a special Log4j log formatter that is capable of reacting on special log messages and 'indent' the logs
IndentWriter |
A utility for writing indented code.
IndexedData<T> |
Helper class to represent an item in the map from row ids to change values in the context of a ChangeData
IndexedPLL<T> |
A PLL indexed in sequential order.
IndexedPLL.IndexedPartition |
IndexedRow |
A row with its row index.
IndexOf |
InMemoryPLL<T> |
A PLL which is created out of a regular Java collection.
InMemoryPLL.InMemoryPartition |
InnerHtml |
InnerXml |
InputStreamImporter |
A base class for importers which read their files in binary mode (as an InputStream ).
InvalidSchemaException |
InverseConstraintScrutinizer |
A scrutinizer that checks for missing inverse statements in edit batches.
IOOperationException |
Thrown by exceptions when they encounter an IO error while retrieving the statically computed data they require.
IOUtils |
IsBlank |
IsEmptyString |
IsError |
IsNonBlank |
IsNotNull |
IsNull |
IsNumeric |
ItemEdit |
Represents a candidate edit on an existing item or the creation of a new one.
ItemEditBuilder |
ItemRequiresScrutinizer |
Join |
JsonImporter |
JsonImporter.JSONTreeReader |
Jsonize |
JSONUtilities |
JsonValueConverter |
Converts the a JSON value
JsonViews |
Set of classes which define JSON visibility of certain fields.
JsonViews.NonSaveMode |
JsonViews.SaveMode |
JythonEvaluable |
JythonHasFieldsWrapper |
JythonObjectWrapper |
Keyer |
KeyerFactory |
Registry of keyers for clustering.
KeyValueColumnizeOperation |
Reshapes a table which contains key and value columns, such that the repeating contents in the key column become new
column names, and the contents of the value column are spread in the new columns.
kNNClusterer |
kNNClusterer.kNNClustererConfig |
kNNClusterer.kNNClustererConfigParameters |
kNNClusterer.ValuesComparator |
LabeledStatementEntityEdit |
LanguageCodeStore |
A store for the allowed language code for terms and monolingual text values in Wikibase.
LanguageSpecificParser |
LastIndexOf |
LaxValueMatcher |
Generic matcher which attempts to equate values which should generally be considered equivalent in most data import
LazyChangeDataStore |
A ChangeDataStore which does not persist its change data, meaning that they do not have to be computed
LazyGridCache |
LeastCommonMultiple |
LegacyProjectImporter |
Imports an OpenRefine project from a 3.x project archive.
LegacyProjectImporter.SerializedCell |
Helper class to deserialize a cell as serialized by OpenRefine up to 3.x.
LegacyProjectImporter.SerializedRow |
Legacy serialized version of a row, only used to read old projects.
Length |
LineBasedFormatGuesser |
LineBasedImporter |
An importer which reads each line of a file as a row with a single string-valued cell containing the line.
LineReader |
A class which reads line by line from an InputStream , making sure it only reads the bytes it needs to
complete the current line.
ListFacet |
ListFacet.DecoratedValueWrapper |
Wrapper to respect the serialization format
ListFacet.ListFacetConfig |
ListFacetResult |
JSON representation of a list facet configuration bundled up with facet statistics
ListFacetResult.OtherChoice |
Wrapper class for choice counts and selection status for blank and error
LiteralExpr |
An abstract syntax tree node encapsulating a literal value.
Ln |
LoadLanguageCommand |
LocalChangeData<T> |
LocaleUtils |
Utility for setting application locale based on the language code from preferences
LocalGrid |
A PLL-based implementation of a Grid.
LocalRunner |
The default implementation of the Runner interface.
Log |
log4j |
Generated localization support class.
log4j2 |
Generated localization support class.
LogExpressionCommand |
LoggedChangeData<T> |
LoggedGrid |
A grid which wraps another one, adding logging to keep track of the timing of each operation.
LoggedRunner |
LoginCommand |
Handles login.
LongRangePartitioner |
A range partitioner for long-keyed PLLs, for convenience.
LookupCacheManager |
Manage the cache of project's lookups.
LookupCacheManager.ProjectLookup |
LookupException |
Thrown when there is an error on a project lookup.
Manifest |
A configuration object for a Wikibase instance.
ManifestException |
ManifestParser |
ManifestV1 |
ManifestV2 |
MapPartitionsPLL<U,T> |
A PLL obtained by transforming each partition independently.
MarcImporter |
MariaDBConnectionManager |
MariaDBDatabaseService |
MassEditOperation |
Edits values in a column, by replacing some values by others.
MassEditOperation.Edit |
Match |
Max |
MD5 |
MediaFileUtils |
Collection of wrappers around MediaWiki actions which are not supported by WDTK.
MediaFileUtils.MediaUploadResponse |
MediaInfoEdit |
Represents a candidate edit on a MediaInfo entity.
MediaInfoEditBuilder |
MetaParser |
MetaParser.LanguageInfo |
Metaphone3 |
Metaphone3Keyer |
MetaphoneKeyer |
Min |
MissingColumnException |
Exception thrown by an operation when the grid it is applied to misses a column.
Mod |
ModelException |
MultiFileReadingProgress |
Interface for reporting progress of reading a file, by repeatedly updating how many bytes have been read in the file.
MultiFileReadingProgressStub |
Multinomial |
MultiValuedCellJoinOperation |
Within a record, joins the non-blank cells of a column into the first cell, with the specified separator.
MultiValuedCellSplitOperation |
Splits the value of a cell and spreads the splits on the following rows, while respecting the record structure.
MultiValueScrutinizer |
MySQLConnectionManager |
MySQLDatabaseService |
NamingThreadFactory |
NewEntityLibrary |
This keeps track of the new entities that we have created for each internal reconciliation id.
NewEntityNotCreatedYetException |
NewEntityScrutinizer |
A scrutinizer that inspects new entities.
NGram |
NGramFingerprint |
NGramFingerprintKeyer |
Fingerprint keyer which generates a fingerprint from a sorted list of unique character N-grams after removing all
whitespace, control characters, and punctuation.
NoEditsMadeScrutinizer |
NominalFacetChoice |
Store a facet choice that has a decorated value, a count of matched rows, and a flag of whether it has been selected.
Not |
Now |
NumberCriterion |
NumericFacetAggregator |
NumericFacetResult |
NumericFacetState |
The aggregation state of a numeric facet, which contains two histograms: - the histogram for the rows seen by the
facet (the ones selected by all other active facets) - called the view histogram - the histogram for all rows, which
is used to determine the bin size, called the global histogram.
Odd |
OdsExporter |
OdsImporter |
OnError |
OpaqueSlice |
An opaque transformation step, which does not commute with any other step.
OpenRefineMessage |
Generated localization support class.
OpenWorkspaceDirCommand |
Operation |
An operation represents one step in a cleaning workflow in Refine.
OperationApplicationResult |
Result of the application of an operation, which can either succeed in adding a new history entry to the project, or
fail with an error.
OperationDescription |
Generated localization support class.
OperationException |
Exception thrown by an operation when it fails to apply.
OperationHistoryEntry |
Generated localization support class.
OperationRegistry |
OperationResolver |
OperatorCallExpr |
An abstract syntax tree node encapsulating an operator call, such as "+".
Or |
OrderedJoinPLL<K,V,W> |
A PLL which represents the join of two others, assuming both are sorted by keys.
OrderedJoinPLL.JoinPartition |
OrderedJoinPLL.JoinType |
Type of join to perform (using SQL's terminology)
OverlayModel |
Overlay models must be serializable and deserializable with Jackson.
OverlayModelResolver |
OwnText |
PairPLL<K,V> |
Adds additional methods for PLLs of keyed collections.
Parent |
ParseHtml |
ParseJson |
Parser |
Parser |
Parser class
ParseUri |
Parse a URI string into its components and returns a JSON object with the following keys: scheme, authority, path,
query, fragment, host, port.
ParseWikibaseSchemaCommand |
Command to check whether a given schema template is syntactically valid.
ParseWikibaseSchemaCommand.WikibaseSchemaTemplate |
ParseXml |
ParsingException |
ParsingOperationException |
An exception thrown when a ParsingException is thrown from an expression relied on by the operation.
ParsingUtilities |
Partition |
Partition |
Represents a partition in a PLL
Partitioner<T> |
Locates an element in a partition based on its key.
PathElement |
A part of a path to a faulty/missing element in a schema.
PathElement.Type |
The type of data field to follow to reach the faulty/missing part of the schema
PatternSyntaxExceptionParser |
PauseProcessCommand |
A command to pause a process fetching some change data.
PCAxisImporter |
PCAxisTableDataReader |
PerformWikibaseEditsOperation |
PerformWikibaseEditsOperation.EditGroupIdSerializer |
PerformWikibaseEditsOperation.NewReconRowJoiner |
PerformWikibaseEditsOperation.RowEditingResults |
PerformWikibaseEditsOperation.RowEditingResultsProducer |
PerformWikibaseEditsOperation.RowNewReconUpdateSerializer |
PgSQLConnectionManager |
PgSQLDatabaseService |
Phonetic |
PLL<T> |
A Partitioned Lazy List (PLL) is a lazily-computed immutable container data structure to represent lists of elements.
PLL.LastFlush |
PLL.PLLExecutionError |
PLLContext |
An object holding the necessary context instances to manipulate partitioned lazy lists (PLL).
PointerExtractor |
A class that extracts the new entity ids referred to in a statement.
Pow |
PreferenceStore |
PreferenceValue |
Interface to be extended by all objects stored in the preferences.
PrefetchedEntityIdValue |
An entity id value that also comes with a label and possibly types.
PreviewExpressionCommand |
PreviewExpressionCommand.ErrorMessage |
PreviewExpressionCommand.ExpressionValue |
PreviewExpressionCommand.PreviewResult |
PreviewExpressionCommand.RowResult |
PreviewExpressionCommand.SuccessfulEvaluation |
PreviewExtendDataCommand |
PreviewExtendDataCommand.PreviewResponse |
PreviewResults |
PreviewWikibaseSchemaCommand |
Process |
Process.State |
ProcessManager |
ProcessManager.ExceptionMessage |
ProgressingFuture<T> |
Represents an asynchronous task which returns a result.
ProgressingFutures |
Utilities around ProgressingFuture , added as static methods so as not to overload the interfaces with default
ProgressingFutureWrapper<T> |
A future which supports pausing and progress reporting, assuming the underlying future was built on a task that
relies on the supplied TaskSignalling object to periodically check for pause and report progress.
ProgressReporter |
Callback to report the progress of some long-running operation to the user.
ProgressReporterStub |
Project |
A project is a table with overlay models and full edit history.
ProjectManager |
ProjectManager is responsible for loading and saving the workspace and projects.
ProjectManager.SaveRecord |
A utility class to prioritize projects for saving, depending on how long ago they have been changed but have not
been saved.
ProjectManagerStub |
Stub used to avoid saves and stub HistoryEntryManager
ProjectMetadata |
ProjectMetadataUtilities |
PropertyOnlyStatementMerger |
Merging strategy which only looks at the main property of the statements to determine if they match.
PureArgumentsExpr |
An abstract class for an expression whose column dependencies are the union of those of their arguments.
PureFunction |
Function whose value only depends on the values of its arguments and not of the global state which can be accessed
via the context.
QAWarning |
A class to represent a QA warning emitted by the Wikidata schema This could probably be reused at a broader scale,
for instance for Data Package validation.
QAWarning.Severity |
QAWarningException |
Exception thrown during schema evaluation to report an error as a QA validation warning.
QAWarningStore |
A store for QA warnings which aggregates them by type.
QSSnakPrinter |
Represents a snak in QuickStatements format.
QSValuePrinter |
Prints a Wikibase value as a string as required by QuickStatements.
QualifierCompatibilityScrutinizer |
A scrutinizer that checks the compatibility of the qualifiers and the property of a statement, and looks for
mandatory qualifiers.
QualifiersStatementMerger |
Merging strategy which compares statements using not just their main value, but also their qualifiers.
QuantityScrutinizer |
Scrutinizer checking for units and bounds in quantities.
QueryTree |
Utility class to represent the query tree associated with a PLL.
QuickStatementsExporter |
QuickStatementsUpdateScheduler |
Quotient |
Radians |
RandomNumber |
Range |
Implements the logic behind the range function.
RangeFacet |
RangeFacet.RangeFacetConfig |
RangePartitioner<T> |
A partitioner which assumes that the keys are sorted in increasing order.
RdfJsonldTripleImporter |
RdfTripleImporter |
RdfTripleImporter.Mode |
RdfXmlTripleImporter |
ReaderImporter |
A base class for importers which read files in text mode (with a Reader ).
ReadingProgressReporter |
Recon |
Recon.Judgment |
ReconCandidate |
ReconciledDataExtensionJob |
ReconciledDataExtensionJob.ColumnInfo |
ReconciledDataExtensionJob.DataExtension |
Data extension corresponding to a single row.
ReconciledDataExtensionJob.DataExtensionConfig |
ReconciledDataExtensionJob.DataExtensionProperty |
ReconciledDataExtensionJob.DataExtensionQuery |
ReconciledDataExtensionJob.QueryView |
ReconciledDataExtensionJob.RecordDataExtension |
Data extension corresponding to a single record.
ReconClearSimilarCellsOperation |
ReconConfig |
ReconConfigResolver |
ReconCopyAcrossColumnsOperation |
ReconDiscardJudgmentsOperation |
ReconEditOperation |
An operation which changes the recon field of a single cell.
ReconEntityIdValue |
An EntityIdValue that holds not just the id but also the label as fetched by either the reconciliation interface or
the suggester and its type, both stored as reconciliation candidates.
ReconEntityRewriter |
A class that rewrites an TermedStatementEntityEdit , replacing reconciled entity id values by their concrete
values after creation of all the new entities involved.
ReconEntityRewriter.MissingEntityIdFound |
ReconItemIdValue |
ReconJob |
A reconciliation query paired with the original cell value which generated it.
ReconJudgeSimilarCellsOperation |
ReconMarkNewTopicsOperation |
Marks all filtered cells in a given column as reconciled to "new".
ReconMatchBestCandidatesOperation |
ReconMatchSpecificTopicOperation |
ReconMatchSpecificTopicOperation.ReconItem |
ReconMediaInfoIdValue |
ReconOperation |
Runs reconciliation on a column.
ReconOperation.Joiner |
ReconOperation.NonBlankRowFilter |
Filter used to select only rows which have a non-blank value to reconcile.
ReconOperation.ReconChangeDataProducer |
ReconPropertyIdValue |
ReconType |
This represents a type from the reconciliation service.
ReconUseValuesAsIdentifiersOperation |
When a column contains bare identifiers or URLs, this can be used to mark them as reconciled to some reconciliation
Record |
A list of consecutive rows where only the first row has a non-blank value in the record key column (normally, the
first column).
RecordAggregator<T> |
Computes a value of type T by aggregation over records in a grid.
RecordChangeDataJoiner<T> |
Joins grid data to change data to produce a new grid.
RecordChangeDataProducer<T> |
A function which computes change data to be persisted to disk, to be later joined back to the project to produce the
new grid.
RecordFilter |
Interface for judging if a particular record matches or doesn't match some particular criterion, such as a facet
RecordMapper |
A function applied to a record, returning a list of rows to replace it.
RecordPLL |
A PLL of records efficiently computed from the underlying PLL of rows.
RecordPLL.RecordEnd |
RecordPLL.RecordPartition |
RecordSorter |
Refine |
Main class for Refine server application.
RefineModel |
Utility class to retrieve the version number of OpenRefine efficiently, and provide class aliasing independently of
RefineServlet |
RefineServlet.AutoSaveTimerTask |
RefineServlet.ExceptionResponse |
RefineTest |
A base class containing various utilities to help testing Refine.
Reinterpret |
RenameProjectCommand |
ReorderSlice |
A slice where columns can be reordered (including removing columns) and renamed in one go.
Replace |
ReplaceChars |
ReplaceEach |
RestrictedPositionScrutinizer |
RestrictedPositionScrutinizer.SnakPosition |
RestrictedValuesScrutinizer |
ResumeProcessCommand |
A command to resume a process fetching some change data.
Reverse |
Round |
Row |
Class representing a single Row which contains a list of Cell s.
RowAggregator<T> |
Computes a value of type T by aggregation over rows in a grid.
RowBuilder |
Utility class to build Row instances, as they are immutable.
RowCellMapper |
A function from rows to cells.
RowChangeDataFlatJoiner<T> |
Joins grid data to change data to produce a new grid.
RowChangeDataJoiner<T> |
Joins grid data to change data to produce a new grid.
RowChangeDataProducer<T> |
A function which computes change data to be persisted to disk, to be later joined back to the project to produce the
new grid.
RowEvaluable |
Something that can be evaluated for each row.
RowFilter |
Interface for judging if a particular row matches or doesn't match some particular criterion, such as a facet
RowFlagOperation |
RowFlatMapper |
A function applied to a row, returning a list of new rows to replace it.
RowInRecordAggregator<T extends FacetState> |
RowInRecordChangeDataJoiner |
RowInRecordChangeDataProducer<T> |
RowInRecordFilter |
Row filter which has also access to the spanning record.
RowInRecordMapper |
RowMapOperation |
Simplifies the architecture for immediate operations which simply act by mapping rows.
RowMapOperation.GridMap |
Stores the new column model to be applied on the new grid, and the row mappers used to derive the new grid.
RowMapper |
A function applied to a row, returning a new row to replace it.
RowRemovalOperation |
RowReorderOperation |
An operation which reorders the rows of the grid permanently according to a given sorting configuration.
RowScanMapper<S> |
A row mapper which is able to update a state as it reads rows.
RowSorter |
RowStarOperation |
RPartition |
Runner |
Encapsulates the context required to implement, read and execute operations on Grid and ChangeData
RunnerConfiguration |
Object supplying configuration parameters to a datamodel instance.
RunnerConfigurationImpl |
Supplies configuration parameters to a runner from a simple hash map.
RunnerTestBase |
A collection of generic tests that any implementation of Runner should satisfy.
SavedConnectionCommand |
SavedConnectionContainer |
SaveWikibaseSchemaCommand |
SaveWikibaseSchemaOperation |
Scanner |
Scanner.ErrorToken |
Scanner.NumberToken |
Scanner.RegexToken |
Scanner.Token |
Scanner.TokenType |
ScatterplotFacet |
ScatterplotFacet.Dimension |
ScatterplotFacet.Rotation |
ScatterplotFacet.ScatterplotFacetConfig |
ScatterplotFacetAggregator |
ScatterplotFacetResult |
Represents the statistics sent to the frontend for a scatterplot facet.
ScatterplotFacetState |
Stores the x and y coordinates of all points encountered so far by the facet aggregator.
ScatterplotPainter |
ScatterplotRowFilter |
Filters rows according to the settings of a scatterplot facet.
SchemaExporter |
SchemaPropertyExtractor |
ScriptText |
SelectXml |
SelfReferentialScrutinizer |
A scrutinizer that checks for self-referential statements.
SeparatorBasedImporter |
SeparatorBasedImporter.Separator |
SerializationFilters |
Series of classes which configure JSON serialization at application level.
SerializationFilters.DoubleSerializer |
Serialize double values as integers if they happen to round to an integer.
SerializationFilters.InstantDeserializer |
SerializationFilters.InstantSerializer |
SerializationFilters.LocalDateDeserializer |
SerializationFilters.LocalDateSerializer |
Serialize dates by ISO format.
SerializationFilters.OffsetDateDeserializer |
SerializationFilters.OffsetDateSerializer |
Serialize dates by ISO format.
SetPreferenceCommand |
SetProjectMetadataCommand |
SetProjectTagsCommand |
SHA1 |
SimilarityDistance |
A function that computes a similarity distance between two strings.
SimpleTextEncryptor |
Sin |
SinglePartitionPLL<T> |
A PLL which wraps an iterable, with a single partition corresponding to the iterable itself.
SingleValueScrutinizer |
For now this scrutinizer only checks for uniqueness at the entity level (it ignores qualifiers and references).
Sinh |
SkipSchemaExpressionException |
Exception thrown to indicate that the expression currently being evaluated should be skipped (for instance because
the underlying data it was generated from is blank or unreconciled)
Slice |
SmartSplit |
SnakOnlyStatementMerger |
Merging strategy which only looks at the main value of statements (in addition to their property, but that is
SnakScrutinizer |
A scrutinizer that inspects snaks individually, no matter whether they appear as main snaks, qualifiers or
SnakUtils |
Sort |
SortingConfig |
Stores the configuration of a row/record sorting setup.
SoundexKeyer |
SpecialValueNoValueException |
SpecialValueSomeValueException |
Split |
SplitByCharType |
SplitByLengths |
SqlCreateBuilder |
SqlData |
SqlExporter |
SqlExporterException |
SqlInsertBuilder |
SQLiteConnectionManager |
SQLiteDatabaseService |
SQLType |
StandardReconConfig |
StandardReconConfig.ColumnDetail |
StandardReconConfig.QueryProperty |
StandardReconConfig.ReconQuery |
StandardReconConfig.ReconResult |
StandardReconConfig.StandardReconJob |
StartsWith |
StatementEdit |
An object which represents an edit on a statement, which can be added or removed and have various merging strategies
with existing statements.
StatementEditingMode |
What to do with statements input in the schema.
StatementEntityEdit |
A candidate edit on an entity which can bear statements.
StatementGroupEdit |
A list of statement edits which share the same property, and will therefore affect the same statement group on the
target entity.
StatementMerger |
Object which determines how uploaded statements are matched with existing statements on the edited entity.
StatementScrutinizer |
StreamExporter |
StrictValueMatcher |
Simple value matching strategy which only treats value as identical when they are strictly equal.
StringCriterion |
StringFacet |
StringFacet.Config |
StringFacetAggregator |
StringFacetState |
StringUtils |
StringValuesFacetAggregator |
StringValuesFacetState |
Gathers statistics about distinct string representations of values generated by an evaluable.
SuggestedEntityIdValue |
An EntityIdValue that we have obtained from a suggest widget in the schema alignment dialog.
SuggestedFormIdValue |
SuggestedItemIdValue |
SuggestedLexemeIdValue |
SuggestedMediaInfoIdValue |
SuggestedPropertyIdValue |
SuggestedSenseIdValue |
Sum |
TabularParserHelper |
TabularParserHelper.TableDataReader |
TabularSerializer |
TabularSerializer.CellData |
Tan |
Tanh |
TaskSignalling |
Utility class for a future and the underlying thread to communicate about pause and resume actions from the user, as
well as reporting progress.
Template |
TemplatingExporter |
TemplatingExporter.TemplateConfig |
TermedStatementEntityEdit |
A class to plan an update of an entity, after evaluating the statements but before fetching the current content of
the entity (this is why it does not extend StatementsUpdate).
TestConnectCommand |
TestingChangeData<T> |
TestingGrid |
A massively inefficient but very simple implementation of a Grid, for testing purposes.
TestingRunner |
A massively inefficient but very simple implementation of the datamodel, for testing purposes.
TestQueryCommand |
TestUtils |
TextFilePLL |
A PLL whose contents are read from a set of text files.
TextFilePLL.TextFilePartition |
TextFormatGuesser |
TextSearchFacet |
TextSearchFacet.TextSearchAggregator |
TextSearchFacet.TextSearchFacetConfig |
TextSearchFacet.TextSearchFacetState |
TextTransformOperation |
TextTransformOperation.Joiner |
ThreadPoolExecutorAdapter |
TimeRangeFacet |
TimeRangeFacet.TimeRangeFacetConfig |
TimeRangeFacetAggregator |
TimeRangeFacetResult |
TimeRangeFacetState |
The aggregation state of a timeline facet, gathering statistics about the entire table and the rows in view (selected
by other facets).
TimeRangeStatistics |
Stores statistics related to time values stored in a set of rows (generated by an expression).
TimeSinceUnixEpochToDate |
ToDate |
ToggleStarredExpressionCommand |
TokenCookie |
ToLowercase |
ToNumber |
ToNumberBenchmark |
ToNumberBenchmark_ExecutionPlan_jmhType |
ToNumberBenchmark_ExecutionPlan_jmhType_B1 |
ToNumberBenchmark_ExecutionPlan_jmhType_B2 |
ToNumberBenchmark_ExecutionPlan_jmhType_B3 |
ToNumberBenchmark_jmhType |
ToNumberBenchmark_jmhType_B1 |
ToNumberBenchmark_jmhType_B2 |
ToNumberBenchmark_jmhType_B3 |
ToNumberBenchmark_toDoubleNew_jmhTest |
ToNumberBenchmark_toLongNew_jmhTest |
ToNumberBenchmark.ExecutionPlan |
TopList |
ToString |
ToTitlecase |
ToUppercase |
TrackingInputStream |
TransformationSlice |
TransposeColumnsIntoRowsOperation |
TransposeRowsIntoColumnsOperation |
TreeImportingParserBase |
Abstract class for importer parsers which handle tree-shaped data (currently XML and JSON).
TreeImportUtilities |
TreeImportUtilities.ColumnIndexAllocator |
TreeReader |
Interface for all tree-shaped parsers.
TreeReader.Token |
TreeReaderException |
An Exception from the TreeReader interface methods.
Trim |
Tuple2<U,V> |
A class of pairs, similar to scala's Tuple2.
Type |
UndoRedoCommand |
Unescape |
Unicode |
UnicodeType |
UnionPLL<T> |
A PLL which represents the concatenation of a sequence of other PLLs
UnionPLL.UnionPartition |
Uniques |
UnknownOperation |
An operation that is unknown to the current OpenRefine instance, but might be interpretable by another instance (for
instance, a later version of OpenRefine, or using an extension).
UnknownOverlayModel |
An overlay model that is unknown to the current OpenRefine instance, but might be interpretable by another instance
(for instance, a later version of OpenRefine, or using an extension).
UnsourcedScrutinizer |
A scrutinizer checking for unsourced statements
UpdateScheduler |
A scheduling strategy for entity updates.
UpdateSequence |
Helper class to store a list of updates where each subject appears at most once.
UploadCommand |
UrlExporter |
UseAsQualifierScrutinizer |
ValidationError |
A sign that a schema is incomplete or incorrect, which is described by an error message, as well as a list of steps
to reach the place where the problem is, from the root of the schema.
ValidationState |
A sort of logger which can be used when traversing a schema and logging issues about it.
ValueMatcher |
Determines if two statement values should be considered identical or not.
ValueScrutinizer |
A scrutinizer that inspects the values of snaks and terms
VariableExpr |
An abstract syntax tree node encapsulating the retrieval of a variable's content.
VicinoDistance |
Wrapper to expose a similarity function from the Vicino library.
WbDateConstant |
A constant for a time value, accepting a number of formats which determine the precision of the parsed value.
WbDateVariable |
An expression that represents a time value, extracted from a string.
WbEntityIdValueConstant |
A constant entity id value, that does not change depending on the row
WbEntityVariable |
An Entity that depends on a reconciled value in a column.
WbExpression<T> |
The base interface for all expressions, which evaluate to a particular type T in an ExpressionContext.
WbItemConstant |
Represents an item that does not vary, it is independent of the row.
WbItemEditExpr |
The representation of an item edit, which can contain variables both for its own id and in its contents.
WbItemVariable |
An item that depends on a reconciled value in a column.
WbLanguageConstant |
A constant that represents a Wikimedia language code.
WbLanguageVariable |
A language variable generates a language code from a cell.
WbLocationConstant |
A constant for a geographical location.
WbLocationVariable |
WbMediaInfoEditExpr |
The representation of an item edit, which can contain variables both for its own id and in its contents.
WbMonolingualExpr |
WbNameDescExpr |
An expression that represent a term (label, description or alias).
WbPropConstant |
A constant property, that does not change depending on the row
WbQuantityExpr |
WbReferenceExpr |
An expression for a reference (list of reference snaks).
WbSnakExpr |
An expression for a snak (pair of property and value).
WbStatementExpr |
WbStatementGroupExpr |
WbStringConstant |
WbStringVariable |
A variable that returns a simple string value.
WbVariableExpr<T> |
A base class for expressions which draw their values from a particular column.
WhitespaceScrutinizer |
Scrutinizes strings for trailing / leading whitespace, and others
WholeText |
WikibaseAPIUpdateScheduler |
A simple scheduler for batches committed via the Wikibase API.
WikibaseIssuesFunction |
GREL function which computes the "aggregation identifiers" of the issues found on the edits generated by a given row.
WikibaseSchema |
Main class representing a skeleton of Wikibase edits with OpenRefine columns as variables.
WikitextImporter |
With |
WrappedCell |
WrappedRow |
WriterExporter |
XlsExporter |
XmlAttr |
XmlImporter |
XmlImporter.XmlParser |
XmlImportUtilities |
XmlText |
Xor |