Class StringValuesFacetState

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, FacetState

    public class StringValuesFacetState
    extends Object
    implements FacetState
    Gathers statistics about distinct string representations of values generated by an evaluable.

    TODO this is not optimized so far (Map<String, Long> could probably be made more memory efficient, the serialization of the object could be controlled).

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • _errors

        protected final long _errors
      • _blanks

        protected final long _blanks
    • Constructor Detail

      • StringValuesFacetState

        public StringValuesFacetState()
      • StringValuesFacetState

        public StringValuesFacetState​(Map<String,​Long> counts,
                                      long errors,
                                      long blanks)
    • Method Detail

      • getErrorCount

        public long getErrorCount()
      • getBlankCount

        public long getBlankCount()