ExpressionBasedRowEvaluable |
ExpressionValueFacetAggregator<T extends FacetState> |
Base class for facet aggregators which update their state by evaluating an expression and aggregating its result.
HistogramState |
Stores a histogram of numerical values, used in range facets.
NumericFacetAggregator |
NumericFacetState |
The aggregation state of a numeric facet, which contains two histograms: - the histogram for the rows seen by the
facet (the ones selected by all other active facets) - called the view histogram - the histogram for all rows, which
is used to determine the bin size, called the global histogram.
ScatterplotFacetAggregator |
ScatterplotFacetState |
Stores the x and y coordinates of all points encountered so far by the facet aggregator.
ScatterplotRowFilter |
Filters rows according to the settings of a scatterplot facet.
StringValuesFacetAggregator |
StringValuesFacetState |
Gathers statistics about distinct string representations of values generated by an evaluable.
TimeRangeFacetAggregator |
TimeRangeFacetState |
The aggregation state of a timeline facet, gathering statistics about the entire table and the rows in view (selected
by other facets).
TimeRangeStatistics |
Stores statistics related to time values stored in a set of rows (generated by an expression).