Class JythonEvaluable

    • Constructor Detail

      • JythonEvaluable

        public JythonEvaluable​(String source,
                               String languagePrefix)
    • Method Detail

      • evaluate

        public Object evaluate​(Properties bindings)
        Description copied from interface: Evaluable
        Evaluate this expression in the given environment (bindings).
        Specified by:
        evaluate in interface Evaluable
      • unwrap

        protected Object unwrap​(org.python.core.PyObject po)
      • getColumnDependencies

        public Set<String> getColumnDependencies​(String baseColumn)
        Description copied from interface: Evaluable
        Returns the names of the columns this expression depends on.
        Specified by:
        getColumnDependencies in interface Evaluable
        baseColumn - the name of the column this expression is based on (null if none)
        null if the columns could not be isolated: in this case, the expression might depend on all columns in the project.
      • getLanguagePrefix

        public String getLanguagePrefix()
        Specified by:
        getLanguagePrefix in interface Evaluable
        the language prefix used to generate this evaluable.