Class FunctionDescription

  • public class FunctionDescription
    extends Object
    Generated localization support class.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_args_to_array()
      Key arr_args_to_array: Returns all arguments passed to it as an array.
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_in_array()
      Key arr_in_array: Returns true if the array contains the desired string, and false otherwise. Will not convert data types..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_join()
      Key arr_join: Joins the items in the array with sep, and returns it all as a string..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_reverse()
      Key arr_reverse: Reverses array a..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_sort()
      Key arr_sort: Sorts the array in ascending order. Sorting is case-sensitive, uppercase first and lowercase second..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_uniques()
      Key arr_uniques: Returns the array with duplicates removed. Case-sensitive..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _bool_and()
      Key bool_and: Uses the logical operator AND on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements into booleans, then returns true if all the statements are true. For example, (1 < 3).and(1 < 0) returns false because one condition is true and one is false..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _bool_not()
      Key bool_not: Uses the logical operator NOT on a boolean to output a boolean. For example, not(1 > 7) returns true because 1 > 7 itself is false..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _bool_or()
      Key bool_or: Uses the logical operator OR on two or more booleans to output a boolean. For example, (1 < 3).or(1 > 7) returns true because at least one of the conditions (the first one) is true..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _bool_xor()
      Key bool_xor: Uses the logical operator XOR (exclusive-or) on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements, then returns true if only one of them is true. For example, (1 < 3).xor(1 < 7) returns false because more than one of the conditions is true..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _date_inc()
      Key date_inc: Returns a date changed by the given amount in the given unit of time, in quotes. See for a table. The default unit is ''hour''. A positive value increases the date, and a negative value moves it back in time..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _date_now()
      Key date_now: Returns the current time according to your system clock, in the ISO 8601 extended format (converted to UTC). For example, 10:53am (and 00 seconds) on November 26th 2020 in EST returns [date 2020-11-26T15:53:00Z]..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _date_part()
      Key date_part: Returns part of a date. The data type returned depends on the unit. See, for a table..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_coalesce()
      Key fun_coalesce: Returns the first non-null from a series of objects (meaning any data type - string, date, number, boolean, etc.)..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_cross()
      Key fun_cross: Looks up the given value in the target column of the target project, returns an array of matched rows. Two values match if and only if they have the same string representation. The first argument will be interpreted as cell.value if set to cell. The second argument will be interpreted as the current project name if omitted or set to "". The third argument will be interpreted as the index (starts from 0) column if omitted or set to ""..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_facet_count()
      Key fun_facet_count: Returns the facet count corresponding to the given choice value, by looking for the facetExpression in the choiceValue in columnName..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_get()
      Key fun_get: If o has named fields, returns the field named ''from'' of o. If o is an array, returns a sub-array o[from, to]. if o is a string, returns o.substring(from, to)..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_has_field()
      Key fun_has_field: Returns a boolean indicating whether o has a member field called name..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_jsonize()
      Key fun_jsonize: Quotes a value as a JSON literal value..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_length()
      Key fun_length: Returns the length of string s as a number, or the size of array a, meaning the number of objects inside it. Arrays can be empty, in which case length() will return 0..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_slice()
      Key fun_slice: Given a string, returns the substring starting from character index from, and up to character index to. If the to argument is omitted, will output to the end of s. Remember character indices start from zero. Given an array, returns a sub-array from the first index provided up to and including the last index provided. If the to value is omitted, it is understood to be the end of the array. Slice only..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_time_since_unix_epoch_to_date()
      Key fun_time_since_unix_epoch_to_date: Returns a number converted to a date based on Unix Epoch Time. The number can be Unix Epoch Time in one of the following supported units: second, millisecond, microsecond. Defaults to ''second''..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_to_date()
      Key fun_to_date: Returns the inputted object converted to a date object. Without arguments, it returns the ISO 8601 extended format. With arguments, you can control the output format. With monthFirst: set false if the date is formatted with the day before the month. With formatN: attempt to parse the date using an ordered list of possible formats. Supply formats based on the SimpleDateFormat syntax: <a href="">SimpleDateFormat</a>..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_to_number()
      Key fun_to_number: Returns a string converted to a number. Will attempt to convert other formats into a string, then into a number. If the value is already a number, it will return the number..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_to_string()
      Key fun_to_string: Takes any value type (string, number, date, boolean, error, null) and gives a string version of that value. You can convert numbers to strings with rounding, using an optional string format. See You can also convert dates to strings using date parsing syntax. See
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_type()
      Key fun_type: Returns a string with the data type of o, such as undefined, string, number, boolean, etc..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _html_inner_html()
      Key html_inner_html: Returns the inner HTML of an HTML element. This will include text and children elements within the element selected. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _html_parse_html()
      Key html_parse_html: Given a cell full of HTML-formatted text, parseHtml() simplifies HTML tags (such as by removing '' /'' at the end of self-closing tags), closes any unclosed tags, and inserts linebreaks and indents for cleaner code. A cell cannot store the output of parseHtml() unless you convert it with toString(): for example, value.parseHtml().toString()..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_abs()
      Key math_abs: Returns the absolute value of a number..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_acos()
      Key math_acos: Returns the arc cosine of an angle, in the range 0 through PI..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_asin()
      Key math_asin: Returns the arc sine of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_atan()
      Key math_atan: Returns the arc tangent of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_atan2()
      Key math_atan2: Converts rectangular coordinates (n1, n2) to polar (r, theta). Returns number theta..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_ceil()
      Key math_ceil: Returns the ceiling of a number..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_combin()
      Key math_combin: Returns the number of combinations for n2 elements as divided into n1..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_cos()
      Key math_cos: Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_cosh()
      Key math_cosh: Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_degrees()
      Key math_degrees: Converts an angle from radians to degrees..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_even()
      Key math_even: Rounds the number up to the nearest even integer..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_exp()
      Key math_exp: Returns e to the power of n..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_fact()
      Key math_fact: Returns the factorial of a number, starting from 1..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_factn()
      Key math_factn: Returns the factorial of n1, starting from n2..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_floor()
      Key math_floor: Returns the floor of a number..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_gcd()
      Key math_gcd: Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_lcm()
      Key math_lcm: Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_ln()
      Key math_ln: Returns the natural logarithm of n..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_log()
      Key math_log: Returns the base 10 logarithm of n..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_max()
      Key math_max: Returns the greater of two numbers..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_min()
      Key math_min: Returns the smaller of two numbers..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_mod()
      Key math_mod: Returns n1 modulus n2..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_multinomial()
      Key math_multinomial: Calculates the multinomial of one number or a series of numbers..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_odd()
      Key math_odd: Rounds the number up to the nearest odd integer..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_pow()
      Key math_pow: Returns n1 raised to the power of n2..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_quotient()
      Key math_quotient: Returns the integer portion of a division (truncated, not rounded), when supplied with a numerator and denominator..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_radians()
      Key math_radians: Converts an angle in degrees to radians..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_random_number()
      Key math_random_number: Returns a random integer in the interval between the lower and upper bounds (inclusively). Will output a different random number in each cell in a column..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_round()
      Key math_round: Rounds a number to the nearest integer..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_sin()
      Key math_sin: Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_sinh()
      Key math_sinh: Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_sum()
      Key math_sum: Return the sum of the numbers in the array. Ignores non-number items. Returns 0 if the array does not contain numbers..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_tan()
      Key math_tan: Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_tanh()
      Key math_tanh: Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_chomp()
      Key str_chomp: Returns a copy of string s with string sep remoed from the end if s ends with sep; otherwies, returns s..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_contains()
      Key str_contains: Returns a boolean indicating whether s contains sub, which is either a substring or a regex pattern. For example, "food".contains("oo") returns true..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_decode()
      Key str_decode: Decodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_detect_language()
      Key str_detect_language: Detects the language of the given string and provides the language code..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_diff()
      Key str_diff: For strings, takes two strings and compares them, returning a string. Returns the remainder of o2 starting with the first character where they differ. For dates, returns the difference in given time units. See the time unit table at
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_encode()
      Key str_encode: Encodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_ends_with()
      Key str_ends_with: Returns a boolean indicating whether s ends with sub. For example, "food".endsWith("ood") returns true, whereas "food".endsWith("odd") returns false..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_escape()
      Key str_escape: Escapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_find()
      Key str_find: Outputs an array of all consecutive substrings inside string s that match the substring or regex pattern p. You can supply a substring by putting it in quotes. See also match()..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_fingerprint()
      Key str_fingerprint: Returns the fingerprint of s, a string that is the first step in fingerprint clustering methods: it will trim whitespaces, convert all characters to lowercase, remove punctuation, sort words alphabetically, etc..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_index_of()
      Key str_index_of: Returns the first character index of sub as it first occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "internationalization".indexOf("nation") returns 5..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_last_index_of()
      Key str_last_index_of: Returns the first character index of sub as it last occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "parallel".lastIndexOf("a") returns 3 (pointing at the second ''a'')..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_match()
      Key str_match: Attempts to match the string s in its entirety against the regex pattern p and, if the pattern is found, outputs an array of all capturing groups (found in order). See also find()..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_md5()
      Key str_md5: Returns the MD5 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), md5() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_ngram()
      Key str_ngram: Returns an array of the word n-grams of s. That is, it lists all the possible consecutive combinations of n words in the string..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_ngram_fingerprint()
      Key str_ngram_fingerprint: Returns the n-gram fingerprint of s..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_parse_json()
      Key str_parse_json: Parses a string as JSON..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_parse_uri()
      Key str_parse_uri: Parses a URI and extracts its components..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_partition()
      Key str_partition: Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the first occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after fragment. Fragment can be a string or a regex. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_phonetic()
      Key str_phonetic: Returns a phonetic encoding of a string, based on an available phonetic algorithm. Can be one of the following supported phonetic methods: metaphone, doublemetaphone, metaphone3, soundex, cologne. Defaults to ''metaphone3''..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_range()
      Key str_range: Returns an array where a and b are the start and the end of the range respectively and c is the step (increment)..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_reinterpret()
      Key str_reinterpret: Returns s reinterpreted through the given character encoders. You must supply one of the supported encodings for each of the original source and the target output: Note that quotes are required around character encoders..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_replace()
      Key str_replace: Returns the string obtained by replacing the find string with the replace string in the inputted string. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(''oo'', ''ee'') returns the string ''The cow jumps over the meen and mees''. Find can be a regex pattern. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(/\s+/, "_") will return ''The_cow_jumps_over_the_moon_and_moos''.
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_replace_chars()
      Key str_replace_chars: Returns the string obtained by replacing a character in s, identified by find, with the corresponding character identified in replace. You cannot use this to replace a single character with more than one character..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_replace_each()
      Key str_replace_each: Replace each occurrence of a substring in a string with another substring..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_rpartition()
      Key str_rpartition: Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the last occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after the last instance of fragment. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_sha1()
      Key str_sha1: Returns the SHA-1 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), sha1() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_smart_split()
      Key str_smart_split: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep, or by guessing either tab or comma separation if there is no sep given. Handles quotes properly and understands cancelled characters. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_split()
      Key str_split: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern. If preserveTokens is true, empty segments are preserved..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_split_by_char_type()
      Key str_split_by_char_type: Returns an array of strings obtained by splitting s into groups of consecutive characters each time the characters change Unicode categories..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_split_by_lengths()
      Key str_split_by_lengths: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s into substrings with the given lengths. For example, "internationalization".splitByLengths(5, 6, 3) returns an array of 3 strings: [ "inter", "nation", "ali" ]. Excess characters are discarded from the output array..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_starts_with()
      Key str_starts_with: Returns a boolean indicating whether s starts with sub. For example, "food".startsWith("foo") returns true, whereas "food".startsWith("bar") returns false..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_to_lowercase()
      Key str_to_lowercase: Returns string s converted to all lowercase characters..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_to_title_case()
      Key str_to_title_case: Returns string s converted into titlecase: a capital letter starting each word, and the rest of the letters lowercase. For example, ''Once upon a midnight DREARY''.toTitlecase() returns the string ''Once Upon A Midnight Dreary''..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_to_uppercase()
      Key str_to_uppercase: Returns string s converted to all uppercase characters..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_trim()
      Key str_trim: Returns a copy of string s with leading and trailing whitespace removed..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_unescape()
      Key str_unescape: Unescapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', ''csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_unicode()
      Key str_unicode: Returns an array of strings describing each character of s in their full unicode notation..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_unicode_type()
      Key str_unicode_type: Returns an array of strings describing each character of s by their unicode type..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_innerxml()
      Key xml_innerxml: Returns the inner XML elements of an XML element. Does not return the text directly inside your chosen XML element - only the contents of its children. Use it in conjunction with parseXml() and select() to provide an element..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_owntext()
      Key xml_owntext: Returns the text directly inside the selected XML or HTML element only, ignoring text inside children elements (for this, use innerXml()). Use it in conjunction with a parser and select() to provide an element..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_parent()
      Key xml_parent: Returns the parent node or null if no parent. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_parsexml()
      Key xml_parsexml: Given a cell full of XML-formatted text, parseXml() returns a full XML document and adds any missing closing tags..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_scripttext()
      Key xml_scripttext: Returns the combined data of an HTML/XML Element. Data is e.g. the inside of a &lt;script&gt; tag. Note that data is NOT the text of the element. Use htmlText() to get the text that would be visible to a user, and scriptText() for the contents of &lt;script&gt;, &lt;style&gt;, etc. Use scriptText() in conjunction with parseHtml() and select()..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_selectxml()
      Key xml_selectxml: Returns an array of all the desired elements from an HTML or XML document, if the element exists. Elements are identified using the Jsoup selector syntax:
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_wholetext()
      Key xml_wholetext: Selects the (unencoded) text of an element and its children, including any new lines and spaces, and returns a string of unencoded, un-normalized text. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_xmlattr()
      Key xml_xmlattr: Returns a string from an attribute on an XML or HTML element. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() to point to an element first..
      static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_xmltext()
      Key xml_xmltext: Returns a string of the text from within an HTML or XML element (including all child elements), removing tags and line breaks inside the string. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() and select() to provide an element..
      static String arr_args_to_array()
      Key arr_args_to_array: Returns all arguments passed to it as an array.
      static String arr_in_array()
      Key arr_in_array: Returns true if the array contains the desired string, and false otherwise. Will not convert data types..
      static String arr_join()
      Key arr_join: Joins the items in the array with sep, and returns it all as a string..
      static String arr_reverse()
      Key arr_reverse: Reverses array a..
      static String arr_sort()
      Key arr_sort: Sorts the array in ascending order. Sorting is case-sensitive, uppercase first and lowercase second..
      static String arr_uniques()
      Key arr_uniques: Returns the array with duplicates removed. Case-sensitive..
      static String bool_and()
      Key bool_and: Uses the logical operator AND on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements into booleans, then returns true if all the statements are true. For example, (1 < 3).and(1 < 0) returns false because one condition is true and one is false..
      static String bool_not()
      Key bool_not: Uses the logical operator NOT on a boolean to output a boolean. For example, not(1 > 7) returns true because 1 > 7 itself is false..
      static String bool_or()
      Key bool_or: Uses the logical operator OR on two or more booleans to output a boolean. For example, (1 < 3).or(1 > 7) returns true because at least one of the conditions (the first one) is true..
      static String bool_xor()
      Key bool_xor: Uses the logical operator XOR (exclusive-or) on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements, then returns true if only one of them is true. For example, (1 < 3).xor(1 < 7) returns false because more than one of the conditions is true..
      static String date_inc()
      Key date_inc: Returns a date changed by the given amount in the given unit of time, in quotes. See for a table. The default unit is ''hour''. A positive value increases the date, and a negative value moves it back in time..
      static String date_now()
      Key date_now: Returns the current time according to your system clock, in the ISO 8601 extended format (converted to UTC). For example, 10:53am (and 00 seconds) on November 26th 2020 in EST returns [date 2020-11-26T15:53:00Z]..
      static String date_part()
      Key date_part: Returns part of a date. The data type returned depends on the unit. See, for a table..
      static String fun_coalesce()
      Key fun_coalesce: Returns the first non-null from a series of objects (meaning any data type - string, date, number, boolean, etc.)..
      static String fun_cross()
      Key fun_cross: Looks up the given value in the target column of the target project, returns an array of matched rows. Two values match if and only if they have the same string representation. The first argument will be interpreted as cell.value if set to cell. The second argument will be interpreted as the current project name if omitted or set to "". The third argument will be interpreted as the index (starts from 0) column if omitted or set to ""..
      static String fun_facet_count()
      Key fun_facet_count: Returns the facet count corresponding to the given choice value, by looking for the facetExpression in the choiceValue in columnName..
      static String fun_get()
      Key fun_get: If o has named fields, returns the field named ''from'' of o. If o is an array, returns a sub-array o[from, to]. if o is a string, returns o.substring(from, to)..
      static String fun_has_field()
      Key fun_has_field: Returns a boolean indicating whether o has a member field called name..
      static String fun_jsonize()
      Key fun_jsonize: Quotes a value as a JSON literal value..
      static String fun_length()
      Key fun_length: Returns the length of string s as a number, or the size of array a, meaning the number of objects inside it. Arrays can be empty, in which case length() will return 0..
      static String fun_slice()
      Key fun_slice: Given a string, returns the substring starting from character index from, and up to character index to. If the to argument is omitted, will output to the end of s. Remember character indices start from zero. Given an array, returns a sub-array from the first index provided up to and including the last index provided. If the to value is omitted, it is understood to be the end of the array. Slice only..
      static String fun_time_since_unix_epoch_to_date()
      Key fun_time_since_unix_epoch_to_date: Returns a number converted to a date based on Unix Epoch Time. The number can be Unix Epoch Time in one of the following supported units: second, millisecond, microsecond. Defaults to ''second''..
      static String fun_to_date()
      Key fun_to_date: Returns the inputted object converted to a date object. Without arguments, it returns the ISO 8601 extended format. With arguments, you can control the output format. With monthFirst: set false if the date is formatted with the day before the month. With formatN: attempt to parse the date using an ordered list of possible formats. Supply formats based on the SimpleDateFormat syntax: <a href="">SimpleDateFormat</a>..
      static String fun_to_number()
      Key fun_to_number: Returns a string converted to a number. Will attempt to convert other formats into a string, then into a number. If the value is already a number, it will return the number..
      static String fun_to_string()
      Key fun_to_string: Takes any value type (string, number, date, boolean, error, null) and gives a string version of that value. You can convert numbers to strings with rounding, using an optional string format. See You can also convert dates to strings using date parsing syntax. See
      static String fun_type()
      Key fun_type: Returns a string with the data type of o, such as undefined, string, number, boolean, etc..
      static String html_inner_html()
      Key html_inner_html: Returns the inner HTML of an HTML element. This will include text and children elements within the element selected. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
      static String html_parse_html()
      Key html_parse_html: Given a cell full of HTML-formatted text, parseHtml() simplifies HTML tags (such as by removing '' /'' at the end of self-closing tags), closes any unclosed tags, and inserts linebreaks and indents for cleaner code. A cell cannot store the output of parseHtml() unless you convert it with toString(): for example, value.parseHtml().toString()..
      static String math_abs()
      Key math_abs: Returns the absolute value of a number..
      static String math_acos()
      Key math_acos: Returns the arc cosine of an angle, in the range 0 through PI..
      static String math_asin()
      Key math_asin: Returns the arc sine of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2..
      static String math_atan()
      Key math_atan: Returns the arc tangent of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2..
      static String math_atan2()
      Key math_atan2: Converts rectangular coordinates (n1, n2) to polar (r, theta). Returns number theta..
      static String math_ceil()
      Key math_ceil: Returns the ceiling of a number..
      static String math_combin()
      Key math_combin: Returns the number of combinations for n2 elements as divided into n1..
      static String math_cos()
      Key math_cos: Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle..
      static String math_cosh()
      Key math_cosh: Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value..
      static String math_degrees()
      Key math_degrees: Converts an angle from radians to degrees..
      static String math_even()
      Key math_even: Rounds the number up to the nearest even integer..
      static String math_exp()
      Key math_exp: Returns e to the power of n..
      static String math_fact()
      Key math_fact: Returns the factorial of a number, starting from 1..
      static String math_factn()
      Key math_factn: Returns the factorial of n1, starting from n2..
      static String math_floor()
      Key math_floor: Returns the floor of a number..
      static String math_gcd()
      Key math_gcd: Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers..
      static String math_lcm()
      Key math_lcm: Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers..
      static String math_ln()
      Key math_ln: Returns the natural logarithm of n..
      static String math_log()
      Key math_log: Returns the base 10 logarithm of n..
      static String math_max()
      Key math_max: Returns the greater of two numbers..
      static String math_min()
      Key math_min: Returns the smaller of two numbers..
      static String math_mod()
      Key math_mod: Returns n1 modulus n2..
      static String math_multinomial()
      Key math_multinomial: Calculates the multinomial of one number or a series of numbers..
      static String math_odd()
      Key math_odd: Rounds the number up to the nearest odd integer..
      static String math_pow()
      Key math_pow: Returns n1 raised to the power of n2..
      static String math_quotient()
      Key math_quotient: Returns the integer portion of a division (truncated, not rounded), when supplied with a numerator and denominator..
      static String math_radians()
      Key math_radians: Converts an angle in degrees to radians..
      static String math_random_number()
      Key math_random_number: Returns a random integer in the interval between the lower and upper bounds (inclusively). Will output a different random number in each cell in a column..
      static String math_round()
      Key math_round: Rounds a number to the nearest integer..
      static String math_sin()
      Key math_sin: Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle..
      static String math_sinh()
      Key math_sinh: Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle..
      static String math_sum()
      Key math_sum: Return the sum of the numbers in the array. Ignores non-number items. Returns 0 if the array does not contain numbers..
      static String math_tan()
      Key math_tan: Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle..
      static String math_tanh()
      Key math_tanh: Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle..
      static String str_chomp()
      Key str_chomp: Returns a copy of string s with string sep remoed from the end if s ends with sep; otherwies, returns s..
      static String str_contains()
      Key str_contains: Returns a boolean indicating whether s contains sub, which is either a substring or a regex pattern. For example, "food".contains("oo") returns true..
      static String str_decode()
      Key str_decode: Decodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url..
      static String str_detect_language()
      Key str_detect_language: Detects the language of the given string and provides the language code..
      static String str_diff()
      Key str_diff: For strings, takes two strings and compares them, returning a string. Returns the remainder of o2 starting with the first character where they differ. For dates, returns the difference in given time units. See the time unit table at
      static String str_encode()
      Key str_encode: Encodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url..
      static String str_ends_with()
      Key str_ends_with: Returns a boolean indicating whether s ends with sub. For example, "food".endsWith("ood") returns true, whereas "food".endsWith("odd") returns false..
      static String str_escape()
      Key str_escape: Escapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode..
      static String str_find()
      Key str_find: Outputs an array of all consecutive substrings inside string s that match the substring or regex pattern p. You can supply a substring by putting it in quotes. See also match()..
      static String str_fingerprint()
      Key str_fingerprint: Returns the fingerprint of s, a string that is the first step in fingerprint clustering methods: it will trim whitespaces, convert all characters to lowercase, remove punctuation, sort words alphabetically, etc..
      static String str_index_of()
      Key str_index_of: Returns the first character index of sub as it first occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "internationalization".indexOf("nation") returns 5..
      static String str_last_index_of()
      Key str_last_index_of: Returns the first character index of sub as it last occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "parallel".lastIndexOf("a") returns 3 (pointing at the second ''a'')..
      static String str_match()
      Key str_match: Attempts to match the string s in its entirety against the regex pattern p and, if the pattern is found, outputs an array of all capturing groups (found in order). See also find()..
      static String str_md5()
      Key str_md5: Returns the MD5 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), md5() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string..
      static String str_ngram()
      Key str_ngram: Returns an array of the word n-grams of s. That is, it lists all the possible consecutive combinations of n words in the string..
      static String str_ngram_fingerprint()
      Key str_ngram_fingerprint: Returns the n-gram fingerprint of s..
      static String str_parse_json()
      Key str_parse_json: Parses a string as JSON..
      static String str_parse_uri()
      Key str_parse_uri: Parses a URI and extracts its components..
      static String str_partition()
      Key str_partition: Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the first occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after fragment. Fragment can be a string or a regex. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned..
      static String str_phonetic()
      Key str_phonetic: Returns a phonetic encoding of a string, based on an available phonetic algorithm. Can be one of the following supported phonetic methods: metaphone, doublemetaphone, metaphone3, soundex, cologne. Defaults to ''metaphone3''..
      static String str_range()
      Key str_range: Returns an array where a and b are the start and the end of the range respectively and c is the step (increment)..
      static String str_reinterpret()
      Key str_reinterpret: Returns s reinterpreted through the given character encoders. You must supply one of the supported encodings for each of the original source and the target output: Note that quotes are required around character encoders..
      static String str_replace()
      Key str_replace: Returns the string obtained by replacing the find string with the replace string in the inputted string. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(''oo'', ''ee'') returns the string ''The cow jumps over the meen and mees''. Find can be a regex pattern. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(/\s+/, "_") will return ''The_cow_jumps_over_the_moon_and_moos''.
      static String str_replace_chars()
      Key str_replace_chars: Returns the string obtained by replacing a character in s, identified by find, with the corresponding character identified in replace. You cannot use this to replace a single character with more than one character..
      static String str_replace_each()
      Key str_replace_each: Replace each occurrence of a substring in a string with another substring..
      static String str_rpartition()
      Key str_rpartition: Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the last occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after the last instance of fragment. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned..
      static String str_sha1()
      Key str_sha1: Returns the SHA-1 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), sha1() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string..
      static String str_smart_split()
      Key str_smart_split: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep, or by guessing either tab or comma separation if there is no sep given. Handles quotes properly and understands cancelled characters. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern..
      static String str_split()
      Key str_split: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern. If preserveTokens is true, empty segments are preserved..
      static String str_split_by_char_type()
      Key str_split_by_char_type: Returns an array of strings obtained by splitting s into groups of consecutive characters each time the characters change Unicode categories..
      static String str_split_by_lengths()
      Key str_split_by_lengths: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s into substrings with the given lengths. For example, "internationalization".splitByLengths(5, 6, 3) returns an array of 3 strings: [ "inter", "nation", "ali" ]. Excess characters are discarded from the output array..
      static String str_starts_with()
      Key str_starts_with: Returns a boolean indicating whether s starts with sub. For example, "food".startsWith("foo") returns true, whereas "food".startsWith("bar") returns false..
      static String str_to_lowercase()
      Key str_to_lowercase: Returns string s converted to all lowercase characters..
      static String str_to_title_case()
      Key str_to_title_case: Returns string s converted into titlecase: a capital letter starting each word, and the rest of the letters lowercase. For example, ''Once upon a midnight DREARY''.toTitlecase() returns the string ''Once Upon A Midnight Dreary''..
      static String str_to_uppercase()
      Key str_to_uppercase: Returns string s converted to all uppercase characters..
      static String str_trim()
      Key str_trim: Returns a copy of string s with leading and trailing whitespace removed..
      static String str_unescape()
      Key str_unescape: Unescapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', ''csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode..
      static String str_unicode()
      Key str_unicode: Returns an array of strings describing each character of s in their full unicode notation..
      static String str_unicode_type()
      Key str_unicode_type: Returns an array of strings describing each character of s by their unicode type..
      static String xml_innerxml()
      Key xml_innerxml: Returns the inner XML elements of an XML element. Does not return the text directly inside your chosen XML element - only the contents of its children. Use it in conjunction with parseXml() and select() to provide an element..
      static String xml_owntext()
      Key xml_owntext: Returns the text directly inside the selected XML or HTML element only, ignoring text inside children elements (for this, use innerXml()). Use it in conjunction with a parser and select() to provide an element..
      static String xml_parent()
      Key xml_parent: Returns the parent node or null if no parent. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
      static String xml_parsexml()
      Key xml_parsexml: Given a cell full of XML-formatted text, parseXml() returns a full XML document and adds any missing closing tags..
      static String xml_scripttext()
      Key xml_scripttext: Returns the combined data of an HTML/XML Element. Data is e.g. the inside of a &lt;script&gt; tag. Note that data is NOT the text of the element. Use htmlText() to get the text that would be visible to a user, and scriptText() for the contents of &lt;script&gt;, &lt;style&gt;, etc. Use scriptText() in conjunction with parseHtml() and select()..
      static String xml_selectxml()
      Key xml_selectxml: Returns an array of all the desired elements from an HTML or XML document, if the element exists. Elements are identified using the Jsoup selector syntax:
      static String xml_wholetext()
      Key xml_wholetext: Selects the (unencoded) text of an element and its children, including any new lines and spaces, and returns a string of unencoded, un-normalized text. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
      static String xml_xmlattr()
      Key xml_xmlattr: Returns a string from an attribute on an XML or HTML element. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() to point to an element first..
      static String xml_xmltext()
      Key xml_xmltext: Returns a string of the text from within an HTML or XML element (including all child elements), removing tags and line breaks inside the string. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() and select() to provide an element..
    • Constructor Detail

      • FunctionDescription

        public FunctionDescription()
    • Method Detail

      • str_trim

        public static String str_trim()
        Key str_trim: Returns a copy of string s with leading and trailing whitespace removed..
        Returns a copy of string s with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
      • _str_trim

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_trim()
        Key str_trim: Returns a copy of string s with leading and trailing whitespace removed..
        Returns a copy of string s with leading and trailing whitespace removed.
      • math_asin

        public static String math_asin()
        Key math_asin: Returns the arc sine of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2..
        Returns the arc sine of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2.
      • _math_asin

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_asin()
        Key math_asin: Returns the arc sine of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2..
        Returns the arc sine of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2.
      • html_parse_html

        public static String html_parse_html()
        Key html_parse_html: Given a cell full of HTML-formatted text, parseHtml() simplifies HTML tags (such as by removing '' /'' at the end of self-closing tags), closes any unclosed tags, and inserts linebreaks and indents for cleaner code. A cell cannot store the output of parseHtml() unless you convert it with toString(): for example, value.parseHtml().toString()..
        Given a cell full of HTML-formatted text, parseHtml() simplifies HTML tags (such as by removing '' /'' at the end of self-closing tags), closes any unclosed tags, and inserts linebreaks and indents for cleaner code. A cell cannot store the output of parseHtml() unless you convert it with toString(): for example, value.parseHtml().toString().
      • _html_parse_html

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _html_parse_html()
        Key html_parse_html: Given a cell full of HTML-formatted text, parseHtml() simplifies HTML tags (such as by removing '' /'' at the end of self-closing tags), closes any unclosed tags, and inserts linebreaks and indents for cleaner code. A cell cannot store the output of parseHtml() unless you convert it with toString(): for example, value.parseHtml().toString()..
        Given a cell full of HTML-formatted text, parseHtml() simplifies HTML tags (such as by removing '' /'' at the end of self-closing tags), closes any unclosed tags, and inserts linebreaks and indents for cleaner code. A cell cannot store the output of parseHtml() unless you convert it with toString(): for example, value.parseHtml().toString().
      • bool_xor

        public static String bool_xor()
        Key bool_xor: Uses the logical operator XOR (exclusive-or) on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements, then returns true if only one of them is true. For example, (1 < 3).xor(1 < 7) returns false because more than one of the conditions is true..
        Uses the logical operator XOR (exclusive-or) on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements, then returns true if only one of them is true. For example, (1 < 3).xor(1 < 7) returns false because more than one of the conditions is true.
      • _bool_xor

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _bool_xor()
        Key bool_xor: Uses the logical operator XOR (exclusive-or) on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements, then returns true if only one of them is true. For example, (1 < 3).xor(1 < 7) returns false because more than one of the conditions is true..
        Uses the logical operator XOR (exclusive-or) on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements, then returns true if only one of them is true. For example, (1 < 3).xor(1 < 7) returns false because more than one of the conditions is true.
      • fun_get

        public static String fun_get()
        Key fun_get: If o has named fields, returns the field named ''from'' of o. If o is an array, returns a sub-array o[from, to]. if o is a string, returns o.substring(from, to)..
        If o has named fields, returns the field named ''from'' of o. If o is an array, returns a sub-array o[from, to]. if o is a string, returns o.substring(from, to).
      • _fun_get

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_get()
        Key fun_get: If o has named fields, returns the field named ''from'' of o. If o is an array, returns a sub-array o[from, to]. if o is a string, returns o.substring(from, to)..
        If o has named fields, returns the field named ''from'' of o. If o is an array, returns a sub-array o[from, to]. if o is a string, returns o.substring(from, to).
      • str_reinterpret

        public static String str_reinterpret()
        Key str_reinterpret: Returns s reinterpreted through the given character encoders. You must supply one of the supported encodings for each of the original source and the target output: Note that quotes are required around character encoders..
        Returns s reinterpreted through the given character encoders. You must supply one of the supported encodings for each of the original source and the target output: Note that quotes are required around character encoders.
      • _str_reinterpret

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_reinterpret()
        Key str_reinterpret: Returns s reinterpreted through the given character encoders. You must supply one of the supported encodings for each of the original source and the target output: Note that quotes are required around character encoders..
        Returns s reinterpreted through the given character encoders. You must supply one of the supported encodings for each of the original source and the target output: Note that quotes are required around character encoders.
      • math_tanh

        public static String math_tanh()
        Key math_tanh: Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle..
        Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle.
      • _math_tanh

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_tanh()
        Key math_tanh: Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle..
        Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle.
      • str_unicode_type

        public static String str_unicode_type()
        Key str_unicode_type: Returns an array of strings describing each character of s by their unicode type..
        Returns an array of strings describing each character of s by their unicode type.
      • _str_unicode_type

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_unicode_type()
        Key str_unicode_type: Returns an array of strings describing each character of s by their unicode type..
        Returns an array of strings describing each character of s by their unicode type.
      • math_tan

        public static String math_tan()
        Key math_tan: Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle..
        Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle.
      • _math_tan

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_tan()
        Key math_tan: Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle..
        Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle.
      • str_sha1

        public static String str_sha1()
        Key str_sha1: Returns the SHA-1 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), sha1() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string..
        Returns the SHA-1 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), sha1() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string.
      • _str_sha1

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_sha1()
        Key str_sha1: Returns the SHA-1 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), sha1() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string..
        Returns the SHA-1 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), sha1() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string.
      • math_factn

        public static String math_factn()
        Key math_factn: Returns the factorial of n1, starting from n2..
        Returns the factorial of n1, starting from n2.
      • _math_factn

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_factn()
        Key math_factn: Returns the factorial of n1, starting from n2..
        Returns the factorial of n1, starting from n2.
      • math_cos

        public static String math_cos()
        Key math_cos: Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle..
        Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle.
      • _math_cos

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_cos()
        Key math_cos: Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle..
        Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle.
      • fun_jsonize

        public static String fun_jsonize()
        Key fun_jsonize: Quotes a value as a JSON literal value..
        Quotes a value as a JSON literal value.
      • _fun_jsonize

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_jsonize()
        Key fun_jsonize: Quotes a value as a JSON literal value..
        Quotes a value as a JSON literal value.
      • date_now

        public static String date_now()
        Key date_now: Returns the current time according to your system clock, in the ISO 8601 extended format (converted to UTC). For example, 10:53am (and 00 seconds) on November 26th 2020 in EST returns [date 2020-11-26T15:53:00Z]..
        Returns the current time according to your system clock, in the ISO 8601 extended format (converted to UTC). For example, 10:53am (and 00 seconds) on November 26th 2020 in EST returns [date 2020-11-26T15:53:00Z].
      • _date_now

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _date_now()
        Key date_now: Returns the current time according to your system clock, in the ISO 8601 extended format (converted to UTC). For example, 10:53am (and 00 seconds) on November 26th 2020 in EST returns [date 2020-11-26T15:53:00Z]..
        Returns the current time according to your system clock, in the ISO 8601 extended format (converted to UTC). For example, 10:53am (and 00 seconds) on November 26th 2020 in EST returns [date 2020-11-26T15:53:00Z].
      • date_inc

        public static String date_inc()
        Key date_inc: Returns a date changed by the given amount in the given unit of time, in quotes. See for a table. The default unit is ''hour''. A positive value increases the date, and a negative value moves it back in time..
        Returns a date changed by the given amount in the given unit of time, in quotes. See for a table. The default unit is ''hour''. A positive value increases the date, and a negative value moves it back in time.
      • _date_inc

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _date_inc()
        Key date_inc: Returns a date changed by the given amount in the given unit of time, in quotes. See for a table. The default unit is ''hour''. A positive value increases the date, and a negative value moves it back in time..
        Returns a date changed by the given amount in the given unit of time, in quotes. See for a table. The default unit is ''hour''. A positive value increases the date, and a negative value moves it back in time.
      • str_split_by_lengths

        public static String str_split_by_lengths()
        Key str_split_by_lengths: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s into substrings with the given lengths. For example, "internationalization".splitByLengths(5, 6, 3) returns an array of 3 strings: [ "inter", "nation", "ali" ]. Excess characters are discarded from the output array..
        Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s into substrings with the given lengths. For example, "internationalization".splitByLengths(5, 6, 3) returns an array of 3 strings: [ "inter", "nation", "ali" ]. Excess characters are discarded from the output array.
      • _str_split_by_lengths

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_split_by_lengths()
        Key str_split_by_lengths: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s into substrings with the given lengths. For example, "internationalization".splitByLengths(5, 6, 3) returns an array of 3 strings: [ "inter", "nation", "ali" ]. Excess characters are discarded from the output array..
        Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s into substrings with the given lengths. For example, "internationalization".splitByLengths(5, 6, 3) returns an array of 3 strings: [ "inter", "nation", "ali" ]. Excess characters are discarded from the output array.
      • str_replace_each

        public static String str_replace_each()
        Key str_replace_each: Replace each occurrence of a substring in a string with another substring..
        Replace each occurrence of a substring in a string with another substring.
      • _str_replace_each

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_replace_each()
        Key str_replace_each: Replace each occurrence of a substring in a string with another substring..
        Replace each occurrence of a substring in a string with another substring.
      • math_cosh

        public static String math_cosh()
        Key math_cosh: Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value..
        Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value.
      • _math_cosh

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_cosh()
        Key math_cosh: Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value..
        Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a value.
      • str_chomp

        public static String str_chomp()
        Key str_chomp: Returns a copy of string s with string sep remoed from the end if s ends with sep; otherwies, returns s..
        Returns a copy of string s with string sep remoed from the end if s ends with sep; otherwies, returns s.
      • _str_chomp

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_chomp()
        Key str_chomp: Returns a copy of string s with string sep remoed from the end if s ends with sep; otherwies, returns s..
        Returns a copy of string s with string sep remoed from the end if s ends with sep; otherwies, returns s.
      • fun_has_field

        public static String fun_has_field()
        Key fun_has_field: Returns a boolean indicating whether o has a member field called name..
        Returns a boolean indicating whether o has a member field called name.
      • _fun_has_field

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_has_field()
        Key fun_has_field: Returns a boolean indicating whether o has a member field called name..
        Returns a boolean indicating whether o has a member field called name.
      • math_ln

        public static String math_ln()
        Key math_ln: Returns the natural logarithm of n..
        Returns the natural logarithm of n.
      • _math_ln

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_ln()
        Key math_ln: Returns the natural logarithm of n..
        Returns the natural logarithm of n.
      • str_unicode

        public static String str_unicode()
        Key str_unicode: Returns an array of strings describing each character of s in their full unicode notation..
        Returns an array of strings describing each character of s in their full unicode notation.
      • _str_unicode

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_unicode()
        Key str_unicode: Returns an array of strings describing each character of s in their full unicode notation..
        Returns an array of strings describing each character of s in their full unicode notation.
      • str_diff

        public static String str_diff()
        Key str_diff: For strings, takes two strings and compares them, returning a string. Returns the remainder of o2 starting with the first character where they differ. For dates, returns the difference in given time units. See the time unit table at
        For strings, takes two strings and compares them, returning a string. Returns the remainder of o2 starting with the first character where they differ. For dates, returns the difference in given time units. See the time unit table at
      • _str_diff

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_diff()
        Key str_diff: For strings, takes two strings and compares them, returning a string. Returns the remainder of o2 starting with the first character where they differ. For dates, returns the difference in given time units. See the time unit table at
        For strings, takes two strings and compares them, returning a string. Returns the remainder of o2 starting with the first character where they differ. For dates, returns the difference in given time units. See the time unit table at
      • str_parse_json

        public static String str_parse_json()
        Key str_parse_json: Parses a string as JSON..
        Parses a string as JSON.
      • _str_parse_json

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_parse_json()
        Key str_parse_json: Parses a string as JSON..
        Parses a string as JSON.
      • fun_to_string

        public static String fun_to_string()
        Key fun_to_string: Takes any value type (string, number, date, boolean, error, null) and gives a string version of that value. You can convert numbers to strings with rounding, using an optional string format. See You can also convert dates to strings using date parsing syntax. See
        Takes any value type (string, number, date, boolean, error, null) and gives a string version of that value. You can convert numbers to strings with rounding, using an optional string format. See You can also convert dates to strings using date parsing syntax. See
      • _fun_to_string

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_to_string()
        Key fun_to_string: Takes any value type (string, number, date, boolean, error, null) and gives a string version of that value. You can convert numbers to strings with rounding, using an optional string format. See You can also convert dates to strings using date parsing syntax. See
        Takes any value type (string, number, date, boolean, error, null) and gives a string version of that value. You can convert numbers to strings with rounding, using an optional string format. See You can also convert dates to strings using date parsing syntax. See
      • str_last_index_of

        public static String str_last_index_of()
        Key str_last_index_of: Returns the first character index of sub as it last occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "parallel".lastIndexOf("a") returns 3 (pointing at the second ''a'')..
        Returns the first character index of sub as it last occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "parallel".lastIndexOf("a") returns 3 (pointing at the second ''a'').
      • _str_last_index_of

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_last_index_of()
        Key str_last_index_of: Returns the first character index of sub as it last occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "parallel".lastIndexOf("a") returns 3 (pointing at the second ''a'')..
        Returns the first character index of sub as it last occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "parallel".lastIndexOf("a") returns 3 (pointing at the second ''a'').
      • fun_time_since_unix_epoch_to_date

        public static String fun_time_since_unix_epoch_to_date()
        Key fun_time_since_unix_epoch_to_date: Returns a number converted to a date based on Unix Epoch Time. The number can be Unix Epoch Time in one of the following supported units: second, millisecond, microsecond. Defaults to ''second''..
        Returns a number converted to a date based on Unix Epoch Time. The number can be Unix Epoch Time in one of the following supported units: second, millisecond, microsecond. Defaults to ''second''.
      • _fun_time_since_unix_epoch_to_date

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_time_since_unix_epoch_to_date()
        Key fun_time_since_unix_epoch_to_date: Returns a number converted to a date based on Unix Epoch Time. The number can be Unix Epoch Time in one of the following supported units: second, millisecond, microsecond. Defaults to ''second''..
        Returns a number converted to a date based on Unix Epoch Time. The number can be Unix Epoch Time in one of the following supported units: second, millisecond, microsecond. Defaults to ''second''.
      • html_inner_html

        public static String html_inner_html()
        Key html_inner_html: Returns the inner HTML of an HTML element. This will include text and children elements within the element selected. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
        Returns the inner HTML of an HTML element. This will include text and children elements within the element selected. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element.
      • _html_inner_html

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _html_inner_html()
        Key html_inner_html: Returns the inner HTML of an HTML element. This will include text and children elements within the element selected. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
        Returns the inner HTML of an HTML element. This will include text and children elements within the element selected. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element.
      • math_abs

        public static String math_abs()
        Key math_abs: Returns the absolute value of a number..
        Returns the absolute value of a number.
      • _math_abs

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_abs()
        Key math_abs: Returns the absolute value of a number..
        Returns the absolute value of a number.
      • math_quotient

        public static String math_quotient()
        Key math_quotient: Returns the integer portion of a division (truncated, not rounded), when supplied with a numerator and denominator..
        Returns the integer portion of a division (truncated, not rounded), when supplied with a numerator and denominator.
      • _math_quotient

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_quotient()
        Key math_quotient: Returns the integer portion of a division (truncated, not rounded), when supplied with a numerator and denominator..
        Returns the integer portion of a division (truncated, not rounded), when supplied with a numerator and denominator.
      • math_pow

        public static String math_pow()
        Key math_pow: Returns n1 raised to the power of n2..
        Returns n1 raised to the power of n2.
      • _math_pow

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_pow()
        Key math_pow: Returns n1 raised to the power of n2..
        Returns n1 raised to the power of n2.
      • math_max

        public static String math_max()
        Key math_max: Returns the greater of two numbers..
        Returns the greater of two numbers.
      • _math_max

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_max()
        Key math_max: Returns the greater of two numbers..
        Returns the greater of two numbers.
      • arr_args_to_array

        public static String arr_args_to_array()
        Key arr_args_to_array: Returns all arguments passed to it as an array.
        Returns all arguments passed to it as an array
      • _arr_args_to_array

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_args_to_array()
        Key arr_args_to_array: Returns all arguments passed to it as an array.
        Returns all arguments passed to it as an array
      • math_even

        public static String math_even()
        Key math_even: Rounds the number up to the nearest even integer..
        Rounds the number up to the nearest even integer.
      • _math_even

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_even()
        Key math_even: Rounds the number up to the nearest even integer..
        Rounds the number up to the nearest even integer.
      • fun_cross

        public static String fun_cross()
        Key fun_cross: Looks up the given value in the target column of the target project, returns an array of matched rows. Two values match if and only if they have the same string representation. The first argument will be interpreted as cell.value if set to cell. The second argument will be interpreted as the current project name if omitted or set to "". The third argument will be interpreted as the index (starts from 0) column if omitted or set to ""..
        Looks up the given value in the target column of the target project, returns an array of matched rows. Two values match if and only if they have the same string representation. The first argument will be interpreted as cell.value if set to cell. The second argument will be interpreted as the current project name if omitted or set to "". The third argument will be interpreted as the index (starts from 0) column if omitted or set to "".
      • _fun_cross

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_cross()
        Key fun_cross: Looks up the given value in the target column of the target project, returns an array of matched rows. Two values match if and only if they have the same string representation. The first argument will be interpreted as cell.value if set to cell. The second argument will be interpreted as the current project name if omitted or set to "". The third argument will be interpreted as the index (starts from 0) column if omitted or set to ""..
        Looks up the given value in the target column of the target project, returns an array of matched rows. Two values match if and only if they have the same string representation. The first argument will be interpreted as cell.value if set to cell. The second argument will be interpreted as the current project name if omitted or set to "". The third argument will be interpreted as the index (starts from 0) column if omitted or set to "".
      • math_sum

        public static String math_sum()
        Key math_sum: Return the sum of the numbers in the array. Ignores non-number items. Returns 0 if the array does not contain numbers..
        Return the sum of the numbers in the array. Ignores non-number items. Returns 0 if the array does not contain numbers.
      • _math_sum

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_sum()
        Key math_sum: Return the sum of the numbers in the array. Ignores non-number items. Returns 0 if the array does not contain numbers..
        Return the sum of the numbers in the array. Ignores non-number items. Returns 0 if the array does not contain numbers.
      • str_detect_language

        public static String str_detect_language()
        Key str_detect_language: Detects the language of the given string and provides the language code..
        Detects the language of the given string and provides the language code.
      • _str_detect_language

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_detect_language()
        Key str_detect_language: Detects the language of the given string and provides the language code..
        Detects the language of the given string and provides the language code.
      • str_parse_uri

        public static String str_parse_uri()
        Key str_parse_uri: Parses a URI and extracts its components..
        Parses a URI and extracts its components.
      • _str_parse_uri

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_parse_uri()
        Key str_parse_uri: Parses a URI and extracts its components..
        Parses a URI and extracts its components.
      • xml_xmltext

        public static String xml_xmltext()
        Key xml_xmltext: Returns a string of the text from within an HTML or XML element (including all child elements), removing tags and line breaks inside the string. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() and select() to provide an element..
        Returns a string of the text from within an HTML or XML element (including all child elements), removing tags and line breaks inside the string. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() and select() to provide an element.
      • _xml_xmltext

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_xmltext()
        Key xml_xmltext: Returns a string of the text from within an HTML or XML element (including all child elements), removing tags and line breaks inside the string. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() and select() to provide an element..
        Returns a string of the text from within an HTML or XML element (including all child elements), removing tags and line breaks inside the string. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() and select() to provide an element.
      • str_starts_with

        public static String str_starts_with()
        Key str_starts_with: Returns a boolean indicating whether s starts with sub. For example, "food".startsWith("foo") returns true, whereas "food".startsWith("bar") returns false..
        Returns a boolean indicating whether s starts with sub. For example, "food".startsWith("foo") returns true, whereas "food".startsWith("bar") returns false.
      • _str_starts_with

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_starts_with()
        Key str_starts_with: Returns a boolean indicating whether s starts with sub. For example, "food".startsWith("foo") returns true, whereas "food".startsWith("bar") returns false..
        Returns a boolean indicating whether s starts with sub. For example, "food".startsWith("foo") returns true, whereas "food".startsWith("bar") returns false.
      • str_find

        public static String str_find()
        Key str_find: Outputs an array of all consecutive substrings inside string s that match the substring or regex pattern p. You can supply a substring by putting it in quotes. See also match()..
        Outputs an array of all consecutive substrings inside string s that match the substring or regex pattern p. You can supply a substring by putting it in quotes. See also match().
      • _str_find

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_find()
        Key str_find: Outputs an array of all consecutive substrings inside string s that match the substring or regex pattern p. You can supply a substring by putting it in quotes. See also match()..
        Outputs an array of all consecutive substrings inside string s that match the substring or regex pattern p. You can supply a substring by putting it in quotes. See also match().
      • fun_slice

        public static String fun_slice()
        Key fun_slice: Given a string, returns the substring starting from character index from, and up to character index to. If the to argument is omitted, will output to the end of s. Remember character indices start from zero. Given an array, returns a sub-array from the first index provided up to and including the last index provided. If the to value is omitted, it is understood to be the end of the array. Slice only..
        Given a string, returns the substring starting from character index from, and up to character index to. If the to argument is omitted, will output to the end of s. Remember character indices start from zero. Given an array, returns a sub-array from the first index provided up to and including the last index provided. If the to value is omitted, it is understood to be the end of the array. Slice only.
      • _fun_slice

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_slice()
        Key fun_slice: Given a string, returns the substring starting from character index from, and up to character index to. If the to argument is omitted, will output to the end of s. Remember character indices start from zero. Given an array, returns a sub-array from the first index provided up to and including the last index provided. If the to value is omitted, it is understood to be the end of the array. Slice only..
        Given a string, returns the substring starting from character index from, and up to character index to. If the to argument is omitted, will output to the end of s. Remember character indices start from zero. Given an array, returns a sub-array from the first index provided up to and including the last index provided. If the to value is omitted, it is understood to be the end of the array. Slice only.
      • arr_sort

        public static String arr_sort()
        Key arr_sort: Sorts the array in ascending order. Sorting is case-sensitive, uppercase first and lowercase second..
        Sorts the array in ascending order. Sorting is case-sensitive, uppercase first and lowercase second.
      • _arr_sort

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_sort()
        Key arr_sort: Sorts the array in ascending order. Sorting is case-sensitive, uppercase first and lowercase second..
        Sorts the array in ascending order. Sorting is case-sensitive, uppercase first and lowercase second.
      • math_min

        public static String math_min()
        Key math_min: Returns the smaller of two numbers..
        Returns the smaller of two numbers.
      • _math_min

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_min()
        Key math_min: Returns the smaller of two numbers..
        Returns the smaller of two numbers.
      • fun_length

        public static String fun_length()
        Key fun_length: Returns the length of string s as a number, or the size of array a, meaning the number of objects inside it. Arrays can be empty, in which case length() will return 0..
        Returns the length of string s as a number, or the size of array a, meaning the number of objects inside it. Arrays can be empty, in which case length() will return 0.
      • _fun_length

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_length()
        Key fun_length: Returns the length of string s as a number, or the size of array a, meaning the number of objects inside it. Arrays can be empty, in which case length() will return 0..
        Returns the length of string s as a number, or the size of array a, meaning the number of objects inside it. Arrays can be empty, in which case length() will return 0.
      • str_partition

        public static String str_partition()
        Key str_partition: Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the first occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after fragment. Fragment can be a string or a regex. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned..
        Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the first occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after fragment. Fragment can be a string or a regex. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned.
      • _str_partition

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_partition()
        Key str_partition: Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the first occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after fragment. Fragment can be a string or a regex. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned..
        Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the first occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after fragment. Fragment can be a string or a regex. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned.
      • bool_not

        public static String bool_not()
        Key bool_not: Uses the logical operator NOT on a boolean to output a boolean. For example, not(1 > 7) returns true because 1 > 7 itself is false..
        Uses the logical operator NOT on a boolean to output a boolean. For example, not(1 > 7) returns true because 1 > 7 itself is false.
      • _bool_not

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _bool_not()
        Key bool_not: Uses the logical operator NOT on a boolean to output a boolean. For example, not(1 > 7) returns true because 1 > 7 itself is false..
        Uses the logical operator NOT on a boolean to output a boolean. For example, not(1 > 7) returns true because 1 > 7 itself is false.
      • str_range

        public static String str_range()
        Key str_range: Returns an array where a and b are the start and the end of the range respectively and c is the step (increment)..
        Returns an array where a and b are the start and the end of the range respectively and c is the step (increment).
      • _str_range

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_range()
        Key str_range: Returns an array where a and b are the start and the end of the range respectively and c is the step (increment)..
        Returns an array where a and b are the start and the end of the range respectively and c is the step (increment).
      • math_ceil

        public static String math_ceil()
        Key math_ceil: Returns the ceiling of a number..
        Returns the ceiling of a number.
      • _math_ceil

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_ceil()
        Key math_ceil: Returns the ceiling of a number..
        Returns the ceiling of a number.
      • math_log

        public static String math_log()
        Key math_log: Returns the base 10 logarithm of n..
        Returns the base 10 logarithm of n.
      • _math_log

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_log()
        Key math_log: Returns the base 10 logarithm of n..
        Returns the base 10 logarithm of n.
      • xml_parent

        public static String xml_parent()
        Key xml_parent: Returns the parent node or null if no parent. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
        Returns the parent node or null if no parent. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element.
      • _xml_parent

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_parent()
        Key xml_parent: Returns the parent node or null if no parent. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
        Returns the parent node or null if no parent. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element.
      • str_split

        public static String str_split()
        Key str_split: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern. If preserveTokens is true, empty segments are preserved..
        Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern. If preserveTokens is true, empty segments are preserved.
      • _str_split

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_split()
        Key str_split: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern. If preserveTokens is true, empty segments are preserved..
        Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern. If preserveTokens is true, empty segments are preserved.
      • str_replace_chars

        public static String str_replace_chars()
        Key str_replace_chars: Returns the string obtained by replacing a character in s, identified by find, with the corresponding character identified in replace. You cannot use this to replace a single character with more than one character..
        Returns the string obtained by replacing a character in s, identified by find, with the corresponding character identified in replace. You cannot use this to replace a single character with more than one character.
      • _str_replace_chars

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_replace_chars()
        Key str_replace_chars: Returns the string obtained by replacing a character in s, identified by find, with the corresponding character identified in replace. You cannot use this to replace a single character with more than one character..
        Returns the string obtained by replacing a character in s, identified by find, with the corresponding character identified in replace. You cannot use this to replace a single character with more than one character.
      • xml_parsexml

        public static String xml_parsexml()
        Key xml_parsexml: Given a cell full of XML-formatted text, parseXml() returns a full XML document and adds any missing closing tags..
        Given a cell full of XML-formatted text, parseXml() returns a full XML document and adds any missing closing tags.
      • _xml_parsexml

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_parsexml()
        Key xml_parsexml: Given a cell full of XML-formatted text, parseXml() returns a full XML document and adds any missing closing tags..
        Given a cell full of XML-formatted text, parseXml() returns a full XML document and adds any missing closing tags.
      • bool_or

        public static String bool_or()
        Key bool_or: Uses the logical operator OR on two or more booleans to output a boolean. For example, (1 < 3).or(1 > 7) returns true because at least one of the conditions (the first one) is true..
        Uses the logical operator OR on two or more booleans to output a boolean. For example, (1 < 3).or(1 > 7) returns true because at least one of the conditions (the first one) is true.
      • _bool_or

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _bool_or()
        Key bool_or: Uses the logical operator OR on two or more booleans to output a boolean. For example, (1 < 3).or(1 > 7) returns true because at least one of the conditions (the first one) is true..
        Uses the logical operator OR on two or more booleans to output a boolean. For example, (1 < 3).or(1 > 7) returns true because at least one of the conditions (the first one) is true.
      • str_fingerprint

        public static String str_fingerprint()
        Key str_fingerprint: Returns the fingerprint of s, a string that is the first step in fingerprint clustering methods: it will trim whitespaces, convert all characters to lowercase, remove punctuation, sort words alphabetically, etc..
        Returns the fingerprint of s, a string that is the first step in fingerprint clustering methods: it will trim whitespaces, convert all characters to lowercase, remove punctuation, sort words alphabetically, etc.
      • _str_fingerprint

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_fingerprint()
        Key str_fingerprint: Returns the fingerprint of s, a string that is the first step in fingerprint clustering methods: it will trim whitespaces, convert all characters to lowercase, remove punctuation, sort words alphabetically, etc..
        Returns the fingerprint of s, a string that is the first step in fingerprint clustering methods: it will trim whitespaces, convert all characters to lowercase, remove punctuation, sort words alphabetically, etc.
      • arr_join

        public static String arr_join()
        Key arr_join: Joins the items in the array with sep, and returns it all as a string..
        Joins the items in the array with sep, and returns it all as a string.
      • _arr_join

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_join()
        Key arr_join: Joins the items in the array with sep, and returns it all as a string..
        Joins the items in the array with sep, and returns it all as a string.
      • math_odd

        public static String math_odd()
        Key math_odd: Rounds the number up to the nearest odd integer..
        Rounds the number up to the nearest odd integer.
      • _math_odd

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_odd()
        Key math_odd: Rounds the number up to the nearest odd integer..
        Rounds the number up to the nearest odd integer.
      • bool_and

        public static String bool_and()
        Key bool_and: Uses the logical operator AND on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements into booleans, then returns true if all the statements are true. For example, (1 < 3).and(1 < 0) returns false because one condition is true and one is false..
        Uses the logical operator AND on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements into booleans, then returns true if all the statements are true. For example, (1 < 3).and(1 < 0) returns false because one condition is true and one is false.
      • _bool_and

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _bool_and()
        Key bool_and: Uses the logical operator AND on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements into booleans, then returns true if all the statements are true. For example, (1 < 3).and(1 < 0) returns false because one condition is true and one is false..
        Uses the logical operator AND on two or more booleans to output a boolean. Evaluates multiple statements into booleans, then returns true if all the statements are true. For example, (1 < 3).and(1 < 0) returns false because one condition is true and one is false.
      • str_index_of

        public static String str_index_of()
        Key str_index_of: Returns the first character index of sub as it first occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "internationalization".indexOf("nation") returns 5..
        Returns the first character index of sub as it first occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "internationalization".indexOf("nation") returns 5.
      • _str_index_of

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_index_of()
        Key str_index_of: Returns the first character index of sub as it first occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "internationalization".indexOf("nation") returns 5..
        Returns the first character index of sub as it first occurs in s; or, returns -1 if s does not contain sub. For example, "internationalization".indexOf("nation") returns 5.
      • str_ngram

        public static String str_ngram()
        Key str_ngram: Returns an array of the word n-grams of s. That is, it lists all the possible consecutive combinations of n words in the string..
        Returns an array of the word n-grams of s. That is, it lists all the possible consecutive combinations of n words in the string.
      • _str_ngram

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_ngram()
        Key str_ngram: Returns an array of the word n-grams of s. That is, it lists all the possible consecutive combinations of n words in the string..
        Returns an array of the word n-grams of s. That is, it lists all the possible consecutive combinations of n words in the string.
      • math_exp

        public static String math_exp()
        Key math_exp: Returns e to the power of n..
        Returns e to the power of n.
      • _math_exp

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_exp()
        Key math_exp: Returns e to the power of n..
        Returns e to the power of n.
      • str_unescape

        public static String str_unescape()
        Key str_unescape: Unescapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', ''csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode..
        Unescapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', ''csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode.
      • _str_unescape

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_unescape()
        Key str_unescape: Unescapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', ''csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode..
        Unescapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', ''csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode.
      • xml_xmlattr

        public static String xml_xmlattr()
        Key xml_xmlattr: Returns a string from an attribute on an XML or HTML element. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() to point to an element first..
        Returns a string from an attribute on an XML or HTML element. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() to point to an element first.
      • _xml_xmlattr

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_xmlattr()
        Key xml_xmlattr: Returns a string from an attribute on an XML or HTML element. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() to point to an element first..
        Returns a string from an attribute on an XML or HTML element. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() or parseXml() to point to an element first.
      • math_radians

        public static String math_radians()
        Key math_radians: Converts an angle in degrees to radians..
        Converts an angle in degrees to radians.
      • _math_radians

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_radians()
        Key math_radians: Converts an angle in degrees to radians..
        Converts an angle in degrees to radians.
      • str_phonetic

        public static String str_phonetic()
        Key str_phonetic: Returns a phonetic encoding of a string, based on an available phonetic algorithm. Can be one of the following supported phonetic methods: metaphone, doublemetaphone, metaphone3, soundex, cologne. Defaults to ''metaphone3''..
        Returns a phonetic encoding of a string, based on an available phonetic algorithm. Can be one of the following supported phonetic methods: metaphone, doublemetaphone, metaphone3, soundex, cologne. Defaults to ''metaphone3''.
      • _str_phonetic

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_phonetic()
        Key str_phonetic: Returns a phonetic encoding of a string, based on an available phonetic algorithm. Can be one of the following supported phonetic methods: metaphone, doublemetaphone, metaphone3, soundex, cologne. Defaults to ''metaphone3''..
        Returns a phonetic encoding of a string, based on an available phonetic algorithm. Can be one of the following supported phonetic methods: metaphone, doublemetaphone, metaphone3, soundex, cologne. Defaults to ''metaphone3''.
      • str_smart_split

        public static String str_smart_split()
        Key str_smart_split: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep, or by guessing either tab or comma separation if there is no sep given. Handles quotes properly and understands cancelled characters. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern..
        Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep, or by guessing either tab or comma separation if there is no sep given. Handles quotes properly and understands cancelled characters. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern.
      • _str_smart_split

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_smart_split()
        Key str_smart_split: Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep, or by guessing either tab or comma separation if there is no sep given. Handles quotes properly and understands cancelled characters. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern..
        Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s by sep, or by guessing either tab or comma separation if there is no sep given. Handles quotes properly and understands cancelled characters. The separator can be either a string or a regex pattern.
      • fun_to_number

        public static String fun_to_number()
        Key fun_to_number: Returns a string converted to a number. Will attempt to convert other formats into a string, then into a number. If the value is already a number, it will return the number..
        Returns a string converted to a number. Will attempt to convert other formats into a string, then into a number. If the value is already a number, it will return the number.
      • _fun_to_number

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_to_number()
        Key fun_to_number: Returns a string converted to a number. Will attempt to convert other formats into a string, then into a number. If the value is already a number, it will return the number..
        Returns a string converted to a number. Will attempt to convert other formats into a string, then into a number. If the value is already a number, it will return the number.
      • xml_owntext

        public static String xml_owntext()
        Key xml_owntext: Returns the text directly inside the selected XML or HTML element only, ignoring text inside children elements (for this, use innerXml()). Use it in conjunction with a parser and select() to provide an element..
        Returns the text directly inside the selected XML or HTML element only, ignoring text inside children elements (for this, use innerXml()). Use it in conjunction with a parser and select() to provide an element.
      • _xml_owntext

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_owntext()
        Key xml_owntext: Returns the text directly inside the selected XML or HTML element only, ignoring text inside children elements (for this, use innerXml()). Use it in conjunction with a parser and select() to provide an element..
        Returns the text directly inside the selected XML or HTML element only, ignoring text inside children elements (for this, use innerXml()). Use it in conjunction with a parser and select() to provide an element.
      • str_to_title_case

        public static String str_to_title_case()
        Key str_to_title_case: Returns string s converted into titlecase: a capital letter starting each word, and the rest of the letters lowercase. For example, ''Once upon a midnight DREARY''.toTitlecase() returns the string ''Once Upon A Midnight Dreary''..
        Returns string s converted into titlecase: a capital letter starting each word, and the rest of the letters lowercase. For example, ''Once upon a midnight DREARY''.toTitlecase() returns the string ''Once Upon A Midnight Dreary''.
      • _str_to_title_case

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_to_title_case()
        Key str_to_title_case: Returns string s converted into titlecase: a capital letter starting each word, and the rest of the letters lowercase. For example, ''Once upon a midnight DREARY''.toTitlecase() returns the string ''Once Upon A Midnight Dreary''..
        Returns string s converted into titlecase: a capital letter starting each word, and the rest of the letters lowercase. For example, ''Once upon a midnight DREARY''.toTitlecase() returns the string ''Once Upon A Midnight Dreary''.
      • fun_facet_count

        public static String fun_facet_count()
        Key fun_facet_count: Returns the facet count corresponding to the given choice value, by looking for the facetExpression in the choiceValue in columnName..
        Returns the facet count corresponding to the given choice value, by looking for the facetExpression in the choiceValue in columnName.
      • _fun_facet_count

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_facet_count()
        Key fun_facet_count: Returns the facet count corresponding to the given choice value, by looking for the facetExpression in the choiceValue in columnName..
        Returns the facet count corresponding to the given choice value, by looking for the facetExpression in the choiceValue in columnName.
      • str_match

        public static String str_match()
        Key str_match: Attempts to match the string s in its entirety against the regex pattern p and, if the pattern is found, outputs an array of all capturing groups (found in order). See also find()..
        Attempts to match the string s in its entirety against the regex pattern p and, if the pattern is found, outputs an array of all capturing groups (found in order). See also find().
      • _str_match

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_match()
        Key str_match: Attempts to match the string s in its entirety against the regex pattern p and, if the pattern is found, outputs an array of all capturing groups (found in order). See also find()..
        Attempts to match the string s in its entirety against the regex pattern p and, if the pattern is found, outputs an array of all capturing groups (found in order). See also find().
      • math_combin

        public static String math_combin()
        Key math_combin: Returns the number of combinations for n2 elements as divided into n1..
        Returns the number of combinations for n2 elements as divided into n1.
      • _math_combin

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_combin()
        Key math_combin: Returns the number of combinations for n2 elements as divided into n1..
        Returns the number of combinations for n2 elements as divided into n1.
      • str_md5

        public static String str_md5()
        Key str_md5: Returns the MD5 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), md5() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string..
        Returns the MD5 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), md5() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string.
      • _str_md5

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_md5()
        Key str_md5: Returns the MD5 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), md5() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string..
        Returns the MD5 hash of an object. If fed something other than a string (array, number, date, etc.), md5() will convert it to a string and deliver the hash of the string.
      • math_gcd

        public static String math_gcd()
        Key math_gcd: Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers..
        Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers.
      • _math_gcd

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_gcd()
        Key math_gcd: Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers..
        Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers.
      • str_decode

        public static String str_decode()
        Key str_decode: Decodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url..
        Decodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url.
      • _str_decode

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_decode()
        Key str_decode: Decodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url..
        Decodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url.
      • math_floor

        public static String math_floor()
        Key math_floor: Returns the floor of a number..
        Returns the floor of a number.
      • _math_floor

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_floor()
        Key math_floor: Returns the floor of a number..
        Returns the floor of a number.
      • str_encode

        public static String str_encode()
        Key str_encode: Encodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url..
        Encodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url.
      • _str_encode

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_encode()
        Key str_encode: Encodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url..
        Encodes a string using the specified encoding. Encodings include Base16, Base32Hex, Base32, Base64, and Base64Url.
      • str_to_lowercase

        public static String str_to_lowercase()
        Key str_to_lowercase: Returns string s converted to all lowercase characters..
        Returns string s converted to all lowercase characters.
      • _str_to_lowercase

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_to_lowercase()
        Key str_to_lowercase: Returns string s converted to all lowercase characters..
        Returns string s converted to all lowercase characters.
      • arr_uniques

        public static String arr_uniques()
        Key arr_uniques: Returns the array with duplicates removed. Case-sensitive..
        Returns the array with duplicates removed. Case-sensitive.
      • _arr_uniques

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_uniques()
        Key arr_uniques: Returns the array with duplicates removed. Case-sensitive..
        Returns the array with duplicates removed. Case-sensitive.
      • fun_coalesce

        public static String fun_coalesce()
        Key fun_coalesce: Returns the first non-null from a series of objects (meaning any data type - string, date, number, boolean, etc.)..
        Returns the first non-null from a series of objects (meaning any data type - string, date, number, boolean, etc.).
      • _fun_coalesce

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_coalesce()
        Key fun_coalesce: Returns the first non-null from a series of objects (meaning any data type - string, date, number, boolean, etc.)..
        Returns the first non-null from a series of objects (meaning any data type - string, date, number, boolean, etc.).
      • math_random_number

        public static String math_random_number()
        Key math_random_number: Returns a random integer in the interval between the lower and upper bounds (inclusively). Will output a different random number in each cell in a column..
        Returns a random integer in the interval between the lower and upper bounds (inclusively). Will output a different random number in each cell in a column.
      • _math_random_number

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_random_number()
        Key math_random_number: Returns a random integer in the interval between the lower and upper bounds (inclusively). Will output a different random number in each cell in a column..
        Returns a random integer in the interval between the lower and upper bounds (inclusively). Will output a different random number in each cell in a column.
      • math_mod

        public static String math_mod()
        Key math_mod: Returns n1 modulus n2..
        Returns n1 modulus n2.
      • _math_mod

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_mod()
        Key math_mod: Returns n1 modulus n2..
        Returns n1 modulus n2.
      • xml_wholetext

        public static String xml_wholetext()
        Key xml_wholetext: Selects the (unencoded) text of an element and its children, including any new lines and spaces, and returns a string of unencoded, un-normalized text. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
        Selects the (unencoded) text of an element and its children, including any new lines and spaces, and returns a string of unencoded, un-normalized text. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element.
      • _xml_wholetext

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_wholetext()
        Key xml_wholetext: Selects the (unencoded) text of an element and its children, including any new lines and spaces, and returns a string of unencoded, un-normalized text. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element..
        Selects the (unencoded) text of an element and its children, including any new lines and spaces, and returns a string of unencoded, un-normalized text. Use it in conjunction with parseHtml() and select() to provide an element.
      • date_part

        public static String date_part()
        Key date_part: Returns part of a date. The data type returned depends on the unit. See, for a table..
        Returns part of a date. The data type returned depends on the unit. See, for a table.
      • _date_part

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _date_part()
        Key date_part: Returns part of a date. The data type returned depends on the unit. See, for a table..
        Returns part of a date. The data type returned depends on the unit. See, for a table.
      • str_ends_with

        public static String str_ends_with()
        Key str_ends_with: Returns a boolean indicating whether s ends with sub. For example, "food".endsWith("ood") returns true, whereas "food".endsWith("odd") returns false..
        Returns a boolean indicating whether s ends with sub. For example, "food".endsWith("ood") returns true, whereas "food".endsWith("odd") returns false.
      • _str_ends_with

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_ends_with()
        Key str_ends_with: Returns a boolean indicating whether s ends with sub. For example, "food".endsWith("ood") returns true, whereas "food".endsWith("odd") returns false..
        Returns a boolean indicating whether s ends with sub. For example, "food".endsWith("ood") returns true, whereas "food".endsWith("odd") returns false.
      • math_round

        public static String math_round()
        Key math_round: Rounds a number to the nearest integer..
        Rounds a number to the nearest integer.
      • _math_round

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_round()
        Key math_round: Rounds a number to the nearest integer..
        Rounds a number to the nearest integer.
      • str_to_uppercase

        public static String str_to_uppercase()
        Key str_to_uppercase: Returns string s converted to all uppercase characters..
        Returns string s converted to all uppercase characters.
      • _str_to_uppercase

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_to_uppercase()
        Key str_to_uppercase: Returns string s converted to all uppercase characters..
        Returns string s converted to all uppercase characters.
      • xml_scripttext

        public static String xml_scripttext()
        Key xml_scripttext: Returns the combined data of an HTML/XML Element. Data is e.g. the inside of a &lt;script&gt; tag. Note that data is NOT the text of the element. Use htmlText() to get the text that would be visible to a user, and scriptText() for the contents of &lt;script&gt;, &lt;style&gt;, etc. Use scriptText() in conjunction with parseHtml() and select()..
        Returns the combined data of an HTML/XML Element. Data is e.g. the inside of a &lt;script&gt; tag. Note that data is NOT the text of the element. Use htmlText() to get the text that would be visible to a user, and scriptText() for the contents of &lt;script&gt;, &lt;style&gt;, etc. Use scriptText() in conjunction with parseHtml() and select().
      • _xml_scripttext

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_scripttext()
        Key xml_scripttext: Returns the combined data of an HTML/XML Element. Data is e.g. the inside of a &lt;script&gt; tag. Note that data is NOT the text of the element. Use htmlText() to get the text that would be visible to a user, and scriptText() for the contents of &lt;script&gt;, &lt;style&gt;, etc. Use scriptText() in conjunction with parseHtml() and select()..
        Returns the combined data of an HTML/XML Element. Data is e.g. the inside of a &lt;script&gt; tag. Note that data is NOT the text of the element. Use htmlText() to get the text that would be visible to a user, and scriptText() for the contents of &lt;script&gt;, &lt;style&gt;, etc. Use scriptText() in conjunction with parseHtml() and select().
      • math_sin

        public static String math_sin()
        Key math_sin: Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle..
        Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle.
      • _math_sin

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_sin()
        Key math_sin: Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle..
        Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle.
      • math_sinh

        public static String math_sinh()
        Key math_sinh: Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle..
        Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle.
      • _math_sinh

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_sinh()
        Key math_sinh: Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle..
        Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle.
      • str_contains

        public static String str_contains()
        Key str_contains: Returns a boolean indicating whether s contains sub, which is either a substring or a regex pattern. For example, "food".contains("oo") returns true..
        Returns a boolean indicating whether s contains sub, which is either a substring or a regex pattern. For example, "food".contains("oo") returns true.
      • _str_contains

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_contains()
        Key str_contains: Returns a boolean indicating whether s contains sub, which is either a substring or a regex pattern. For example, "food".contains("oo") returns true..
        Returns a boolean indicating whether s contains sub, which is either a substring or a regex pattern. For example, "food".contains("oo") returns true.
      • str_escape

        public static String str_escape()
        Key str_escape: Escapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode..
        Escapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode.
      • _str_escape

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_escape()
        Key str_escape: Escapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode..
        Escapes s in the given escaping mode. The mode can be one of: ''html'', ''xml'', csv'', ''url'', ''javascript''. Note that quotes are required around your mode.
      • str_split_by_char_type

        public static String str_split_by_char_type()
        Key str_split_by_char_type: Returns an array of strings obtained by splitting s into groups of consecutive characters each time the characters change Unicode categories..
        Returns an array of strings obtained by splitting s into groups of consecutive characters each time the characters change Unicode categories.
      • _str_split_by_char_type

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_split_by_char_type()
        Key str_split_by_char_type: Returns an array of strings obtained by splitting s into groups of consecutive characters each time the characters change Unicode categories..
        Returns an array of strings obtained by splitting s into groups of consecutive characters each time the characters change Unicode categories.
      • math_atan

        public static String math_atan()
        Key math_atan: Returns the arc tangent of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2..
        Returns the arc tangent of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2.
      • _math_atan

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_atan()
        Key math_atan: Returns the arc tangent of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2..
        Returns the arc tangent of an angle in the range of -PI/2 through PI/2.
      • xml_innerxml

        public static String xml_innerxml()
        Key xml_innerxml: Returns the inner XML elements of an XML element. Does not return the text directly inside your chosen XML element - only the contents of its children. Use it in conjunction with parseXml() and select() to provide an element..
        Returns the inner XML elements of an XML element. Does not return the text directly inside your chosen XML element - only the contents of its children. Use it in conjunction with parseXml() and select() to provide an element.
      • _xml_innerxml

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_innerxml()
        Key xml_innerxml: Returns the inner XML elements of an XML element. Does not return the text directly inside your chosen XML element - only the contents of its children. Use it in conjunction with parseXml() and select() to provide an element..
        Returns the inner XML elements of an XML element. Does not return the text directly inside your chosen XML element - only the contents of its children. Use it in conjunction with parseXml() and select() to provide an element.
      • str_rpartition

        public static String str_rpartition()
        Key str_rpartition: Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the last occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after the last instance of fragment. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned..
        Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the last occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after the last instance of fragment. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned.
      • _str_rpartition

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_rpartition()
        Key str_rpartition: Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the last occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after the last instance of fragment. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned..
        Returns an array of strings [ a, fragment, z ] where a is the substring within s before the last occurrence of fragment, and z is the substring after the last instance of fragment. If omitFragment is true, frag is not returned.
      • math_multinomial

        public static String math_multinomial()
        Key math_multinomial: Calculates the multinomial of one number or a series of numbers..
        Calculates the multinomial of one number or a series of numbers.
      • _math_multinomial

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_multinomial()
        Key math_multinomial: Calculates the multinomial of one number or a series of numbers..
        Calculates the multinomial of one number or a series of numbers.
      • math_degrees

        public static String math_degrees()
        Key math_degrees: Converts an angle from radians to degrees..
        Converts an angle from radians to degrees.
      • _math_degrees

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_degrees()
        Key math_degrees: Converts an angle from radians to degrees..
        Converts an angle from radians to degrees.
      • math_fact

        public static String math_fact()
        Key math_fact: Returns the factorial of a number, starting from 1..
        Returns the factorial of a number, starting from 1.
      • _math_fact

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_fact()
        Key math_fact: Returns the factorial of a number, starting from 1..
        Returns the factorial of a number, starting from 1.
      • math_lcm

        public static String math_lcm()
        Key math_lcm: Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers..
        Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers.
      • _math_lcm

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_lcm()
        Key math_lcm: Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers..
        Returns the greatest common denominator of two numbers.
      • fun_type

        public static String fun_type()
        Key fun_type: Returns a string with the data type of o, such as undefined, string, number, boolean, etc..
        Returns a string with the data type of o, such as undefined, string, number, boolean, etc.
      • _fun_type

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_type()
        Key fun_type: Returns a string with the data type of o, such as undefined, string, number, boolean, etc..
        Returns a string with the data type of o, such as undefined, string, number, boolean, etc.
      • arr_in_array

        public static String arr_in_array()
        Key arr_in_array: Returns true if the array contains the desired string, and false otherwise. Will not convert data types..
        Returns true if the array contains the desired string, and false otherwise. Will not convert data types.
      • _arr_in_array

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_in_array()
        Key arr_in_array: Returns true if the array contains the desired string, and false otherwise. Will not convert data types..
        Returns true if the array contains the desired string, and false otherwise. Will not convert data types.
      • str_replace

        public static String str_replace()
        Key str_replace: Returns the string obtained by replacing the find string with the replace string in the inputted string. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(''oo'', ''ee'') returns the string ''The cow jumps over the meen and mees''. Find can be a regex pattern. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(/\s+/, "_") will return ''The_cow_jumps_over_the_moon_and_moos''.
        Returns the string obtained by replacing the find string with the replace string in the inputted string. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(''oo'', ''ee'') returns the string ''The cow jumps over the meen and mees''. Find can be a regex pattern. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(/\s+/, "_") will return ''The_cow_jumps_over_the_moon_and_moos''
      • _str_replace

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_replace()
        Key str_replace: Returns the string obtained by replacing the find string with the replace string in the inputted string. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(''oo'', ''ee'') returns the string ''The cow jumps over the meen and mees''. Find can be a regex pattern. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(/\s+/, "_") will return ''The_cow_jumps_over_the_moon_and_moos''.
        Returns the string obtained by replacing the find string with the replace string in the inputted string. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(''oo'', ''ee'') returns the string ''The cow jumps over the meen and mees''. Find can be a regex pattern. For example, ''The cow jumps over the moon and moos''.replace(/\s+/, "_") will return ''The_cow_jumps_over_the_moon_and_moos''
      • xml_selectxml

        public static String xml_selectxml()
        Key xml_selectxml: Returns an array of all the desired elements from an HTML or XML document, if the element exists. Elements are identified using the Jsoup selector syntax:
        Returns an array of all the desired elements from an HTML or XML document, if the element exists. Elements are identified using the Jsoup selector syntax:
      • _xml_selectxml

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _xml_selectxml()
        Key xml_selectxml: Returns an array of all the desired elements from an HTML or XML document, if the element exists. Elements are identified using the Jsoup selector syntax:
        Returns an array of all the desired elements from an HTML or XML document, if the element exists. Elements are identified using the Jsoup selector syntax:
      • str_ngram_fingerprint

        public static String str_ngram_fingerprint()
        Key str_ngram_fingerprint: Returns the n-gram fingerprint of s..
        Returns the n-gram fingerprint of s.
      • _str_ngram_fingerprint

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _str_ngram_fingerprint()
        Key str_ngram_fingerprint: Returns the n-gram fingerprint of s..
        Returns the n-gram fingerprint of s.
      • math_acos

        public static String math_acos()
        Key math_acos: Returns the arc cosine of an angle, in the range 0 through PI..
        Returns the arc cosine of an angle, in the range 0 through PI.
      • _math_acos

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_acos()
        Key math_acos: Returns the arc cosine of an angle, in the range 0 through PI..
        Returns the arc cosine of an angle, in the range 0 through PI.
      • math_atan2

        public static String math_atan2()
        Key math_atan2: Converts rectangular coordinates (n1, n2) to polar (r, theta). Returns number theta..
        Converts rectangular coordinates (n1, n2) to polar (r, theta). Returns number theta.
      • _math_atan2

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _math_atan2()
        Key math_atan2: Converts rectangular coordinates (n1, n2) to polar (r, theta). Returns number theta..
        Converts rectangular coordinates (n1, n2) to polar (r, theta). Returns number theta.
      • arr_reverse

        public static String arr_reverse()
        Key arr_reverse: Reverses array a..
        Reverses array a.
      • _arr_reverse

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _arr_reverse()
        Key arr_reverse: Reverses array a..
        Reverses array a.
      • fun_to_date

        public static String fun_to_date()
        Key fun_to_date: Returns the inputted object converted to a date object. Without arguments, it returns the ISO 8601 extended format. With arguments, you can control the output format. With monthFirst: set false if the date is formatted with the day before the month. With formatN: attempt to parse the date using an ordered list of possible formats. Supply formats based on the SimpleDateFormat syntax: <a href="">SimpleDateFormat</a>..
        Returns the inputted object converted to a date object. Without arguments, it returns the ISO 8601 extended format. With arguments, you can control the output format. With monthFirst: set false if the date is formatted with the day before the month. With formatN: attempt to parse the date using an ordered list of possible formats. Supply formats based on the SimpleDateFormat syntax: <a href="">SimpleDateFormat</a>.
      • _fun_to_date

        public static org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable _fun_to_date()
        Key fun_to_date: Returns the inputted object converted to a date object. Without arguments, it returns the ISO 8601 extended format. With arguments, you can control the output format. With monthFirst: set false if the date is formatted with the day before the month. With formatN: attempt to parse the date using an ordered list of possible formats. Supply formats based on the SimpleDateFormat syntax: <a href="">SimpleDateFormat</a>..
        Returns the inputted object converted to a date object. Without arguments, it returns the ISO 8601 extended format. With arguments, you can control the output format. With monthFirst: set false if the date is formatted with the day before the month. With formatN: attempt to parse the date using an ordered list of possible formats. Supply formats based on the SimpleDateFormat syntax: <a href="">SimpleDateFormat</a>.