Class StatementGroupEdit

  • public class StatementGroupEdit
    extends Object
    A list of statement edits which share the same property, and will therefore affect the same statement group on the target entity.
    Antonin Delpeuch
    • Field Detail

      • property

        protected final org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.PropertyIdValue property
    • Constructor Detail

      • StatementGroupEdit

        public StatementGroupEdit​(List<StatementEdit> statementEdits)
    • Method Detail

      • getProperty

        public org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.PropertyIdValue getProperty()
      • contributeToStatementUpdate

        public void contributeToStatementUpdate​(org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.helpers.StatementUpdateBuilder builder,
                                                org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.StatementGroup statementGroup)
        Given an existing statement group on the target entity, translate this edit into concrete changes of statements, by logging them into the supplied builder.
        builder - the statement update builder in which to add the changes
        statementGroup - the corresponding existing statement group on the entity, or null if there is no such statement yet
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object