Class EngineConfig

  • public class EngineConfig
    extends Object
    Stores the configuration of facets and whether we are using row or record mode. In addition it also stores an optional limit on the number of rows (or records) to aggregate when computing facets.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EngineConfig

        public EngineConfig​(List<FacetConfig> facets,
                            Engine.Mode mode)
        Creates a new EngineConfig from a list of facet configurations and an engine mode. No limit on facet aggregation.
      • EngineConfig

        public EngineConfig​(List<FacetConfig> facets,
                            Engine.Mode mode,
                            Long aggregationLimit)
        Creates a new EngineConfig from a list of facet configurations, an engine mode and an aggregation limit. A null aggregationLimit of means no limit (which happens when the field is not specified in the JSON serialization). A zero aggregationLimit means no aggregation at all.
    • Method Detail

      • getAggregationLimit

        public Long getAggregationLimit()
        A null aggregation limit means no limit. A zero aggregation limit means no aggregation at all.
      • getColumnDependencies

        public Set<String> getColumnDependencies()
        Computes the set of columns the facets depend on. If the extraction of dependencies fails for some facet, or if the engine uses the records mode, this returns null.
        the set of column dependencies, or null
      • isNeutral

        public boolean isNeutral()
        Returns true when this engine configuration does not filter out any row, which is when all the applied facets are in the "reset" position.