Class Clusterer

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    BinningClusterer, kNNClusterer

    public abstract class Clusterer
    extends Object
    Abstract interface for a clusterer.

    Once computeClusters has been called, the Clusterer instance is expected to be serializable to Jackson, which is how clustering results are retrieved.

    TODO this should be changed: the interface should specify JSON serialization and add abstract methods to retrieve clustering results instead.

    • Field Detail

      • _grid

        protected Grid _grid
      • _colindex

        protected int _colindex
    • Constructor Detail

      • Clusterer

        public Clusterer()
    • Method Detail

      • computeClusters

        public abstract void computeClusters​(Engine engine)
      • initializeFromConfig

        protected void initializeFromConfig​(Grid grid,
                                            ClustererConfig c)