Class SuggestedEntityIdValue

    • Constructor Detail

      • SuggestedEntityIdValue

        public SuggestedEntityIdValue​(String id,
                                      String siteIRI,
                                      String label)
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Specified by:
        getId in interface org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.EntityIdValue
      • getSiteIri

        public String getSiteIri()
        Specified by:
        getSiteIri in interface org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.EntityIdValue
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        Description copied from interface: PrefetchedEntityIdValue
        This should return the label "as we got it", with no guarantee that it is current or that its language matches that of the user. In general though, that should be the case if the user always uses OpenRefine with the same language settings.
        Specified by:
        getLabel in interface PrefetchedEntityIdValue
        the preferred label of the entity
      • getTypes

        public List<String> getTypes()
        Description copied from interface: PrefetchedEntityIdValue
        Returns a list of types for this entity. Again these are the types as they were originally fetched from the reconciliation interface: they can diverge from what is currently on the entity. Empty lists should be returned for
        Specified by:
        getTypes in interface PrefetchedEntityIdValue
      • getIri

        public String getIri()
        Specified by:
        getIri in interface org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.IriIdentifiedValue
      • isPlaceholder

        public boolean isPlaceholder()
        Specified by:
        isPlaceholder in interface org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.EntityIdValue
      • accept

        public <T> T accept​(org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.ValueVisitor<T> valueVisitor)
        Specified by:
        accept in interface org.wikidata.wdtk.datamodel.interfaces.Value
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object