Class StringFacet

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class StringFacet
    extends Object
    implements Facet
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getConfig

        public FacetConfig getConfig()
        Description copied from interface: Facet
        Returns the configuration of the facet.
        Specified by:
        getConfig in interface Facet
      • getInitialFacetState

        public FacetState getInitialFacetState()
        Description copied from interface: Facet
        An initial facet state for this facet, which can then be used to scan the table and ingest statistics about rows or records.
        Specified by:
        getInitialFacetState in interface Facet
      • getFacetResult

        public FacetResult getFacetResult​(FacetState state)
        Description copied from interface: Facet
        Returns all the information necessary to render the facet in the UI (aggregation statistics and configuration combined).
        Specified by:
        getFacetResult in interface Facet