Class Project

  • public class Project
    extends Object
    A project is a table with overlay models and full edit history. This is the central concept of the OpenRefine data model - most operations are done within a given project.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Project

        public Project​(Grid initialState,
                       ChangeDataStore dataStore,
                       GridCache gridStore)
        Creates a new project from an initial grid.
        initialState - the initial state of the project.
      • Project

        public Project​(long projectId,
                       Grid initialState,
                       ChangeDataStore dataStore,
                       GridCache gridStore)
        Creates a new project from an initial grid and a project id.
        projectId - the project identifier
        initialState - the initial state of the project
      • Project

        public Project​(long id,
                       History history)
        Restores a project from a saved state.
    • Method Detail

      • getLastSave

        public Instant getLastSave()
      • setLastSave

        public void setLastSave()
        Sets the lastSave time to now
      • getLastModified

        public Instant getLastModified()
      • getHistory

        public History getHistory()
      • generateID

        public static long generateID()
      • getId

        public long getId()
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
      • getColumnModel

        public ColumnModel getColumnModel()
        Convenience function to return the current column model from the history.
      • getCurrentGrid

        public Grid getCurrentGrid()
        Convenience function to return the current grid.
      • getOverlayModels

        public Map<String,​OverlayModel> getOverlayModels()
        Convenience function to return the current overlay models