Class ReconMarkNewTopicsOperation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ReconMarkNewTopicsOperation
    extends RowMapOperation
    Marks all filtered cells in a given column as reconciled to "new". Similar values can either be matched to the same reconciliation id, or distinct ones.
    • Field Detail

      • _shareNewTopics

        protected final boolean _shareNewTopics
      • _columnName

        protected final String _columnName
      • _service

        protected final String _service
      • _identifierSpace

        protected final String _identifierSpace
      • _schemaSpace

        protected final String _schemaSpace
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReconMarkNewTopicsOperation

        public ReconMarkNewTopicsOperation​(EngineConfig engineConfig,
                                           String columnName,
                                           boolean shareNewTopics,
                                           String service,
                                           String identifierSpace,
                                           String schemaSpace)