Class BlankDownOperation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BlankDownOperation
    extends EngineDependentOperation
    Transforms a table without a record structure to blanking out values which are identical to those on the previous row, creating a record structure.
    • Field Detail

      • _columnName

        protected String _columnName
    • Constructor Detail

      • BlankDownOperation

        public BlankDownOperation​(EngineConfig engineConfig,
                                  String columnName)
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public ChangeResult apply​(Grid projectState,
                                  ChangeContext context)
                           throws OperationException
        Description copied from interface: Operation
        Derives the new grid state from the current grid state. Executing this method should be quick (even on large datasets) since it is expected to just derive the new grid from the existing one without actually executing any expensive computation. Long-running computations should rather go in the derivation of a ChangeData which will be fetched asynchronously.
        projectState - the state of the grid before the change
        an object which bundles up various pieces of information produced by the operation: primarily, the new grid after applying the operation. This object can be subclassed to expose more information, which should be serializable with Jackson so that it reaches the frontend.
        OperationException - when the change cannot be applied to the given grid
      • getColumnName

        public String getColumnName()
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Description copied from interface: Operation
        A short human-readable description of what this operation does.
      • recordMapper

        protected static RecordMapper recordMapper​(int columnIndex)
      • rowScanMapper

        protected static RowScanMapper<Cell> rowScanMapper​(int columnIndex,
                                                           int keyColumnIndex)