Interface Runner

    • Method Detail

      • loadGrid

        Grid loadGrid​(File path)
               throws IOException
        Loads a Grid serialized at a given location.
        path - the directory where the Grid is stored
        the grid
        IOException - when loading the grid failed, or when the grid's serialization was incomplete (lacking a _SUCCESS marker)
      • gridFromIterable

        default Grid gridFromIterable​(ColumnModel columnModel,
                                      CloseableIterable<Row> rows,
                                      Map<String,​OverlayModel> overlayModels,
                                      long rowCount,
                                      long recordCount)
        Creates a Grid from an iterable collection of rows. By default, this just gathers the iterable in a list and delegates to gridFromList(ColumnModel, List, Map), but implementations may implement a different approach which delays the loading of the collection in memory.
        rowCount - if the number of rows is known, supply it in this parameter as it might improve efficiency. Otherwise, set to -1.
        recordCount - if the number of records is known, supply it in this parameter as it might improve efficiency. Otherwise, set to -1.
      • loadTextFile

        Grid loadTextFile​(String path,
                          MultiFileReadingProgress progress,
                          Charset encoding,
                          long limit)
                   throws IOException
        Loads a text file as a Grid with a single column named "Column" and whose contents are the lines in the file, parsed as strings.
        path - the path to the text file to load
        encoding - TODO
        limit - the maximum number of lines to read
      • changeDataFromList

        <T> ChangeData<T> changeDataFromList​(List<IndexedData<T>> changeData)
        Creates a ChangeData from an in-memory list of indexed data. The list is required to be sorted.
      • changeDataFromIterable

        default <T> ChangeData<T> changeDataFromIterable​(CloseableIterable<IndexedData<T>> iterable,
                                                         long itemCount)
        Creates a ChangeData from an iterable. By default, this just gathers the iterable in a list and delegates to changeDataFromList(List), but implementations may implement a different approach which delays the loading of the collection in memory.
        itemCount - if the number of items is known, supply it here, otherwise set this parameter to -1.
      • emptyChangeData

        <T> ChangeData<T> emptyChangeData()
        Creates an empty change data object of a given type, marked as incomplete.
      • supportsProgressReporting

        boolean supportsProgressReporting()
        Indicates whether this implementation supports progress reporting. If not, progress objects will be left untouched when passed to methods in this interface.