Uses of Package
Packages that use org.openrefine.browsing.facets Package Description org.openrefine.browsing org.openrefine.browsing.facets org.openrefine.browsing.util org.openrefine.commands.browsing org.openrefine.model org.openrefine.operations org.openrefine.operations.column org.openrefine.operations.recon org.openrefine.runners.local Supplies aRunner
which is designed for execution on a single machine, with org.openrefine.runners.testing -
Classes in org.openrefine.browsing.facets used by org.openrefine.browsing Class Description AllFacetsState State of aggregation of all facets, used to compute the states of all facets in a single aggregation over the grid.Facet Interface of facets.FacetConfig Represents the configuration of a facet, as stored in the engine configuration and in the JSON serialization of operations.FacetResult Object sent serialized in JSON to represent the overall state of a facet, including the configuration and the aggregation statistics.RecordAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over records in a grid.RowAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over rows in a grid. -
Classes in org.openrefine.browsing.facets used by org.openrefine.browsing.facets Class Description AllFacetsState State of aggregation of all facets, used to compute the states of all facets in a single aggregation over the grid.Combiner Represents a commutative and associative function to combine aggregation states.Facet Interface of facets.FacetAggregator Small serializable object which embeds everything that is required to compute facet statistics.FacetConfig Represents the configuration of a facet, as stored in the engine configuration and in the JSON serialization of operations.FacetResult Object sent serialized in JSON to represent the overall state of a facet, including the configuration and the aggregation statistics.FacetState Immutable object which stores statistics gathered by a facet.ListFacet ListFacet.DecoratedValueWrapper Wrapper to respect the serialization formatListFacet.ListFacetConfig ListFacetResult JSON representation of a list facet configuration bundled up with facet statisticsListFacetResult.OtherChoice Wrapper class for choice counts and selection status for blank and errorNominalFacetChoice Store a facet choice that has a decorated value, a count of matched rows, and a flag of whether it has been selected.RangeFacet RangeFacet.RangeFacetConfig RecordAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over records in a grid.RowAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over rows in a grid.RowInRecordAggregator ScatterplotFacet ScatterplotFacet.Dimension ScatterplotFacet.Rotation ScatterplotFacet.ScatterplotFacetConfig ScatterplotFacetResult Represents the statistics sent to the frontend for a scatterplot facet.StringFacet.Config StringFacetState TextSearchFacet TextSearchFacet.TextSearchFacetConfig TextSearchFacet.TextSearchFacetState TimeRangeFacet TimeRangeFacet.TimeRangeFacetConfig -
Classes in org.openrefine.browsing.facets used by org.openrefine.browsing.util Class Description Combiner Represents a commutative and associative function to combine aggregation states.FacetAggregator Small serializable object which embeds everything that is required to compute facet statistics.FacetState Immutable object which stores statistics gathered by a facet.RecordAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over records in a grid.RowAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over rows in a grid.RowInRecordAggregator ScatterplotFacet.Dimension ScatterplotFacet.Rotation ScatterplotFacet.ScatterplotFacetConfig TimeRangeFacet.TimeRangeFacetConfig -
Classes in org.openrefine.browsing.facets used by org.openrefine.commands.browsing Class Description ScatterplotFacet.ScatterplotFacetConfig -
Classes in org.openrefine.browsing.facets used by org.openrefine.model Class Description RecordAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over records in a grid.RowAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over rows in a grid. -
Classes in org.openrefine.browsing.facets used by org.openrefine.operations Class Description FacetConfig Represents the configuration of a facet, as stored in the engine configuration and in the JSON serialization of operations. -
Classes in org.openrefine.browsing.facets used by org.openrefine.operations.column Class Description RowAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over rows in a grid. -
Classes in org.openrefine.browsing.facets used by org.openrefine.operations.recon Class Description RowAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over rows in a grid. -
Classes in org.openrefine.browsing.facets used by org.openrefine.runners.local Class Description RecordAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over records in a grid.RowAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over rows in a grid. -
Classes in org.openrefine.browsing.facets used by org.openrefine.runners.local.logging Class Description RecordAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over records in a grid.RowAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over rows in a grid. -
Classes in org.openrefine.browsing.facets used by org.openrefine.runners.testing Class Description RecordAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over records in a grid.RowAggregator Computes a value of type T by aggregation over rows in a grid.